Video Production for Mixer & Paver Manufacturers

Video Production for Mixer & Paver Manufacturers Are you seeking professional video production for mixer & paver manufacturers? The growth of infrastructure projects worldwide has catapulted the construction equipment industry to a whopping $40,289.30 million, with a significant portion of this industry, $86,730.90 million, dedicated to mixers and pavers. Furthermore, an average internet user spends […]

What is an ADR Editor & What Role Do They Have on the Film Set?

What is an ADR Editor & What Role Do They Have on the Film Set_

What is an ADR Editor & What Role Do They Have on the Film Set? The ADR Editor is responsible for monitoring the actors as they view footage and provide voiceover for their lines to match the original dialogue of the footage. ADR editors come into the production once the film has been shot and […]