Video Production for Medical Instrument & Supply Manufacturing in Houston

Video Production For Medical Instrument & Supply Manufacturing in Houston The growth in demand for the medical instrument and supply manufacturing industry in Houston is projected to inspire market growth that is facing tough times largely to changes in healthcare reforms resulting in the rise of compliance costs. Regardless, this $89 billion-dollar industry that employs an estimated 271,323 people is expected to […]

What is Public Service Announcement Video Production?

What is Public Service Announcement Video Production? Public Service Announcement video production, or PSA video production, includes the planning, script writing, filming of interviews and dramatizations, and post-production editing and distribution of PSA videos which are used to deliver short, informative messages that are used to raise awareness to a particular message, subject, or issue […]

What is Healthcare Video Production?

What is Healthcare Video Production? Healthcare video production represents the professional planning, shooting, and post-production editing of raw video footage that is captured to build awareness, promote your healthcare practice to the desired audience, offer educational insights and therapeutic solutions, or provide key details on health or healthcare topics through engaging, digital video content.  [blog-contact […]

Pharma Video Production Can Help Your Healthcare Practice Grow

Pharma Video Production Can Help Your Healthcare Practice Grow The use of videos in healthcare practices is a growing trend that will not likely diminish anytime soon. Video marketing, in fact, is influencing healthcare business growth in a variety of ways. Pharma video production can help you grow your healthcare business by providing you with […]

5 Reasons a Medical Explainer Video is Just What the Doctor Ordered

5 Reasons a Medical Explainer Video is Just What the Doctor Ordered  For healthcare industry operators, the use of explainer videos can save time, reduce triage calls, increase patient acceptance of healthcare practices, and improve client health. You’ve probably heard about the many different ways that you can use medical explainer video content  to your […]

5 Reasons to Produce Medical Explainer Videos Today

5 Reasons to Produce Medical Explainer Videos Today Producing medical explainer videos is something that schools, doctors, and various healthcare professionals consider important. In fact, the use of medical explainer videos is a growing concept towards improving the patient experience. [blog-contact email=”email” label=”Get an explainer video quote here!”] If you’re considering whether or not medical […]

How Much Does a Medical Explainer Video Cost?

How Much Does a Medical Explainer Video Cost? How Much Does a Medical Explainer Video Cost? A medical explainer video will cost somewhere between about $2,500 and $50,000 to produce in most cases. Don’t let the price tag fool you though, most explainer videos can be produced for substantially less than $50,000. Influences like the […]

How Much Do 3D Medical Animation Videos Cost?

How Much Do 3D Medical Animation Videos Cost? Medical animation videos are widely used to help explain complex scientific concepts to patients, doctors, scientists, and various other audience members. Representing growing popularity within the biotech industry, 3D medical animation videos represent a unique opportunity to deliver powerful simulations and scientific messaging, but how much do […]

What’s the Average Cost of Medical Device Video Production?

What’s the Average Cost of Medical Device Video Production? The use of powerful medical animations, demonstrations, and various other formats of medical device video production can be used to improve patient and caretaker understanding of various products and features associated with medical devices. Medical device video production involves visualizing valuable concepts and important ideas associated […]

How Much Do Animated Medical Training Videos Cost?

How Much Do Animated Medical Training Videos Cost? The human body, cells, organisms, animals, disease, they are all so complex and can be so challenging to fully understand. Many biological systems and topics associated with human or animal health and wellness are both challenging to see and to understand. However, animations can be used to […]