How Do I Hire a Professional Cameraman?

How Do I Hire a Professional Cameraman? A professional cameraman acts as the immediate contact to the Director and works to deliver the creative vision to the audience through angles, shots, movement, and his or her ability to capture powerful scenes behind the camera. Hiring a professional cameraman for your project is a very important […]

Corporate Video Production for Business: Tips & Tricks of the Trade

Corporate Video Production for Business At Beverly Boy Productions we engage in corporate video production for business entities and brands all the time. It’s all part of the job. But just because brands and businesses are asking us to create corporate videos does not mean we can’t have some fun in the process! [blog-contact email=”email” […]

6 Reasons to Hire a Videography Company Over a Freelance Videographer

6 Reasons to Hire a Videography Company

Although the decision to hire a videography company versus hiring a freelance videographer or a DIY cameraman to do the job is entirely up to your discretion but there are some real benefits that come from hiring a professional team to get the job done. [blog-contact email=”email” label=”Get your videography company quote here!”] Contributing factors to the […]

How much does a Gulfport camera crew cost?

How much does a Gulfport camera crew cost?  The price paid for a Gulfport camera crew depends on a variety of factors. If you need a camera operator who can do the work in less than a day or need more camera operators filming footage for the whole day, you’ll find that the Gulfport Camera crew pay rates you’ll need to pay depend on your project needs. Location, equipment, video length, necessary angles, […]

How to Choose a Video Production Company

How to Choose a Video Production Company Choosing the right video production company for your video project could be the difference in whether your film succeeds or you feel like you wasted a lot of time and money. The video production company that you choose will have a very important role in reflecting your brand […]

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Cameraman?

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Cameraman? Cameramen are the members of a film crew that capture the magic of your project. Whether you’re filming your employees for a training video or capturing an aerial view of your business, camera operators are almost always needed for corporate video production. But there are a […]