Casting Call Sign in Sheet Template

Casting Call Sign in Sheet Template

Yes, you can audition for a movie on the internet, NO it will never take the place of an in-person audition! Despite what you may have heard or seen, there is never going to be a way for the internet to fully replace the value of an in-person casting call. That’s why we need casting call sign in sheets! When a whole group of people arrives at a casting call to audition, the process that the filmmaker uses to keep track of the key details of each auditioner will be absolutely vital — failure to stay organized could lead to missing out on calling back the best auditioners. This casting call sign in sheet template will help you stay organized from the start.

What is a Casting Call Sign in Sheet?


A casting call sign in sheet is a basic outline that is used when an audition or casting call takes place to collect the information that the filmmaker requires from each auditioner.

Generally, the sign-in sheet will include the following details:

  • A place for the auditioner to note their arrival time.
  • A place for the auditioner to note their name and phone number.
  • The auditioner’s call time.

How the Sign-In Sheet Works


The casting call sign-in sheet works to provide the casting liaison a way of keeping track of those who are on set for the day to audition. Upon arriving at the audition location, the actor will sign in on the form and provide his or her name, original call time, arrival time, and contact information.

The liaison then provides the actor with a detailed form that allows them to fill out things like:

  • Their time availability.
  • What their measurements are for costumes.
  • What skills they have and their specialties.

Together, the casting call sign in sheet and the associated casting call details sheet that each actor fills out upon arriving at the audition can later be used as reference points for callbacks.

Free Casting Call Sign in Sheet Templates


We’ve provided several templates to help you gather essential details from your casting calls when they arrive on set for auditions. Below are several options for you to choose from or to use as examples when creating your own casting call sign in sheet.

The templates are very basic and easy to replicate:


Need help creating a casting call sign in sheet for your auditions? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today!