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Benefits of Producing an Elevator Pitch Video for Your Startup

The perfect elevator pitch video has the capacity to drive interest and increase engagement in your business or brand. In fact, every startup needs to consider producing an elevator pitch video that can be used throughout social media, on the website, and across various locations and platforms where NAP data is equally important. Including an elevator pitch video that showcases your startup’s key details and important features will help you to build a stronger reputation for your new brand. 

In fact, producing an elevator pitch video for your startup can provide several major benefits including making a great first impression on your audience, boosting awareness, and increasing engagement of your brand. This short, power-packed video can really help your startup business to stand out against the competition and, since the average elevator pitch video is just 1 minute, it won’t cost too much to produce!

A Great Elevator Pitch Video Grabs Audience Attention

Your startup deserves to have an audience that understands who you are and has interest in what you do. A great elevator pitch video grabs the attention of your audience and will build up interest and hype for your brand. This is particularly important for new business owners as it provides a unique way of creating that first impression that explains:

  • Who your business is.
  • What you do.
  • Who you help.
  • Why your business is important.

If you were to write a blog post or newspaper article that addresses all of this, the likelihood of an audience reading and appreciating the content is slim. However, when this information is power packed into an elevator pitch video, you can bet there’s a wide audience ready and waiting to consume the info that you’re willing to share.

Elevator Pitch Videos Answer Key Questions

A great pitch is going to answer key questions about your business or brand. For example, your elevator pitch video is going to explain what your business startup is and why you got started. It’s also going to answer questions that prospects might have such as “why did you start the business?” or “What problems does the business solve?” 

Clear, quick explanations to top questions will make your business easier to understand for the target audience. The elevator pitch video is going to explain what you do, why you do it, and why you’re better than the competition in just 1 minute or less. You couldn’t possibly do this with your words only, but with the support of video it becomes possible.

Demonstrate Expertise Above the Competition

A great elevator pitch video is going to set your brand apart from the competition by demonstrating your expertise. While claiming you’re an expert won’t get you very far as a startup, showing your expertise on camera will! This is your opportunity to utilize visuals to demonstrate the value of your business, what you do, and who you can help.

In fact, the best elevator pitch video templates use value proposition and expertise as key factors in the production of the 1 minute pitch. It’s easy to forget to talk about your expertise, but make no mistake – your audience wants to know what makes you an expert over the next person!

Boost Awareness for Your Startup

An elevator pitch video has the power to boost awareness for your startup business. In fact, if you’re just getting started, this is one of the best ways to get the word out about who you are and what you do. You can share your elevator pitch on any platform that will allow video content and, since it’s so short, you don’t have to worry about being limited to sharing only on a few platforms or sites.

Almost all social media platforms will allow video up to 1 minute, and you can bet that by including your video on your website, you’ll boost organic traffic and rankings for your brand. This means that you’ll be able to reach more people with the details of your startup to generate stronger awareness and hype around your business offering.

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Increase Early Conversions

Elevator pitch videos can also be used to increase early conversions for your startup business. This early in the game, when you’re just starting out, it can be difficult to generate sales or conversions because your audience doesn’t fully know who you are or they may not have full trust in your business just yet. However, pitch videos help to boost this understanding and to generate stronger audience trust in your brand.

By putting a face to the business, and showing personalized, relevant details about your startup on video, you can bet that more audience members are not only going to have gained a level of trust and understanding that is necessary for the success of your business, but also that you will see conversions increased as a result.

As you can see, elevator pitch videos have a number of benefits for startups and are an excellent way for new businesses to get started with video content. They’re short, and relatively low-cost, they can be used in a variety of ways, and they have the capacity to grow startup awareness, traffic, and trust. How can you go wrong?