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How to Pay for Film School

Are you interested in becoming a filmmaker but wondering how you can pay for film school? Whether you’re new to the industry or seeking further education to help you make a lasting career, paying for film school is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face. We’re showing you what you can do to get this covered so that you can begin working on the set in no time.

camera operator

Work Hard, Pay Out of Pocket

The first option you have in paying for film school is to work hard and pay for film school out of pocket. This option is okay if you already have a job and the ability to take on more work as you go. Work a second job such as a night job or a side hustle and save the money to help you pay for film school.

While this involves taking on substantially more responsibility, you will end your film school career without more debt, which is a welcome solution for many. One way you can take on more responsibility to cover the cost of film school is to simply take on a second part-time job while you attend school. So in this situation, you would work full time to pay your bills, part-time to pay for school, and you would also be in school for several hours a week.

Apply for Film Scholarships

The next option is to apply for film scholarships that will cover the cost of your film school. The options here include applying through your local college or film school as well as through several organizations online. There are many scholarships for female film workers, traveling film workers, minority film workers, and just about any category you can think of. Just search around and apply for as many scholarships as you can to offset the total cost of film school.

Use Financing

Special financing can be used to provide for the costs associated with film school. If you’re not sure what types of financing are available, consider student loans for major universities and private tuition financing that is offered at certain campuses. These, along with credit card and personal financing solutions, can help you to cover the cost of school, allowing you several years to pay back the loans later on.

Lowering Bills

Another option you have to cover the cost of film school is to closely choose where you stay and lower your bills so that you can afford film school on your current salary. This often means living on campus or with parents instead of having your own place while you are in school. Whatever steps you can take now to reduce the total cost of living and your bills can be used toward paying for your film classes.

The choices that you make now to cover film school can play a key role in how comfortable you are with your decision to have attending school later on. Many find that long term financing creates for a major struggle later as they work to pay back the loans and interest that were used to pay for their schooling. Some find it is just better to take school slowly, pay for it out of pocket, and make sacrifices along the way to cover the costs. Ultimately, it’s all up to you.