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How Smart Producers Build an Audience for their Films

Producers have a lot of responsibility riding on their roles. They have to produce great video content that attracts a wide audience, connects with the audience on a deep level, and keeps people inspired to come back for more. But how do smart producers build an audience for their films?

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Follow along to learn how the best producers are connecting with the audience and building the suspense of the film before it’s ever released.

Why We Should Build an Audience

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Films are a tricky method of producing content and earning a profit. Put too much time and energy into filmmaking without enough time and energy into audience building, and you wind up with a film that nobody knows about.

Put too much time into building an audience and not enough time into building the film, and you wind up with an audience that doesn’t have a film to enjoy.

The marketplace is flooded with films. How can you, a producer, build an audience for your film and encourage them to pay for it? How will you make a wage that keeps the lights on?

This is the world that producers are living in, right here and now. And, this is why we should build an audience–to keep revenue coming in despite a changing environment and increased competition in the market.

How to Build an Audience

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Several steps go into audience building. It all goes back to connecting with the audience on a deep level. Early connections are key to audience growth. In fact, once you have a clear framework defined for building an audience, you’ll be ready to start making a living with your film production efforts in no time.

First, define the audience length. Short term audience building will be the focus when you’re creating your film.

The short term audience building efforts will involve things like:

  • Influencer outreach
  • Creating video content to attract an audience
  • Social media videos and posts
  • Email newsletters

The Long Term Effort

All of the steps you take to build an audience that will watch you film once it’s produced are covered under the short term audience building segment.

Then, you have long-term audience building. This is the process of building an audience that will keep coming back to watch your film productions year-after-year. This takes time, money and effort, but is well worth it all.

Long-term audience building results in long-term relationships and lasting impressions which allow producers to build strong bonds with their viewers bringing them back again-and-again to watch the content they create.

Long term audience building is how smart producers operate. Studies have proven that the longer you connect with an audience and serve them, the deeper the relationship goes. The deeper the relationship or connection, the more profitable things will be for you.

Who are the Long-Term Audience Connections?

The long-term connections in your audience are those who support your filmmaking. They are the ones that can’t wait for your next production to be released.

The ones that share their love for your content with others and help you to build your audience without you having to pay them or even to ask them to help you out. But, you don’t build long-term audience connections overnight.

How to Build a Long Term Audience

Building a long-term audience will take several years or hard work. Producers that have experience in building long term audience connections and knowing how to connect with the audience focus on:

  • A commitment to serving the audience.
  • Telling stories that resonate with a specific group of people.
  • Finding the right niche.
  • Have a genuine focus on serving the community.
  • Considering the audience with every script they write.
  • Focus on the content production that will be most suited to their audience.

Contact Team Beverly Boy

Smart producers are committed to building an audience and nurturing that audience for many years. They use a proactive approach to producing content that the audience thrives on and enjoys. Are you taking steps to produce content that resonates with your long-term audience?

Connect with Beverly Boy Productions to get started with long-term audience building and the production of video content that will resonate with the audience. You won’t be disappointed!