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Surprising Statistics Surrounding E Learning Videos & Online Courses

The e learning industry is one that has seen tremendous growth over the past decade. What started out as a small shift in the way people learn has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry that has impacted learners of all ages, demographics, and socioeconomic statuses. E learning videos will likely continue on a trendy path for the foreseeable future. Just checkout these surprising statistics surrounding e learning videos and online courses. 

What are E-Learning Videos?

E-learning, and e-learning videos, represent a style of teaching that involves the use of video content delivered online or through electronic resources, in order to teach, train, or educate students in remote environments. Growth in internet accessibility throughout the U.S. and around the world has certainly impacted the growth of the e learning industry. As more e learning videos are made available in classrooms, outside the classroom, and essentially anywhere a student audience might want to engage, the amount of continued growth in the e learning and online course industry will remain to be seen.

Statistics Surrounding E Learning Videos 

You’re probably wondering why e learning videos are so popular and what it is that makes them so valuable.  Consider these statistics a starting point in your understanding of the e learning video industry and why so many brands, businesses, and educators are using e learning videos for the purpose of teaching and training student audiences:

  • Video activity on the web accounts for more than 80% of all online learning activity.
  • E learning videos increase overall learner retention rates by between 25% and 60% on average.
  • Worldwide, the market for e learning videos is projected to grow up to $325B by 2025 and could reach up to $375B by 2026!
  • The massive open online course market is expected to grow by an annual rate of 32.09% between 2021 and 2025 from $5.16B to $25.34B.
  • eLearning and online courses produce 86% fewer greenhouse gases by allowing students to learn remotely without the need to commute to a classroom.
  • Online courses can be completed up to 60% more quickly than in-person coursework and training.

Statistics Surrounding E Learning Videos in Business

If you think the impact that e learning videos and online courses have had on audiences from a general standpoint is impressive, consider the impact that that e learning videos have had on businesses. The use of e learning videos to teach and train employees is increasing substantially across major corporations. In fact, in 2017, 77% of corporations in the United States were using online learning but by 2020, that figure was up to 98%!

Consider these additional statistics surrounding the use of e learning videos and online course content among businesses and corporations:

  • The corporate e-learning market is expected to increase by as much as $38.09B between 2020-2024.
  • A recent survey that questioned 2,500 companies about their training programs found that those with comprehensive training programs that included e learning videos had 218% higher revenue per employee and 24 higher profit margins.
  • When IBM switched to e learning videos from their traditional training programs they saved about $200M.
  • E Learning videos reduce corporate training time by 40%-60% on average when compared to traditional training initiatives. 
  • Corporate e-learning is expected to grow by over 250% from 2017-2026.
  • E learning videos increase income for corporations by up to 42% on average.

Corporations certainly have seen tremendous value in e learning videos and the use of online course content to teach and train employees. This industry is expected to continue growing as more corporations turn to digital training initiatives to fuel their acceleration & growth.

Statistics Surrounding E Learning Videos in School

The use of e learning videos and online courses are not just about corporation training programs or general uses, what about the impact that online course content and e learning videos have had on colleges, universities, and traditional elementary level or secondary school? Certainly e learning videos have impacted student learning in a wide variety of ways. Consider the following statistics:

  • 49% of students worldwide admitted to taking an online course in the preceding 12 month period.
  • 180M learners turned to the massive open online course content offered worldwide as of 2020 with more than 33% of those learners joining in 2020 as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • While many schools began to offer online course content and e learning videos as a result of the need to influence remote learning opportunities during the Pandemic, 33% of post-secondary school administrators state that they will continue to offer remote learning opportunities even after campuses reopen fully.
  • Women are more likely than men to enroll in distance learning or e learning opportunities. 17% of women chose to enroll vs just 13% of men on average.
  • Online courses have a 72% completion rate closely comparable to in-person courses which have a 75% completion rate.
  • Online courses increase student retention rates by 5X compared to when online opportunities and e learning videos are not offered. 

Schools have experienced incredible acceptance of online course content and the use of e learning videos over traditional in-class or in-person teaching.  Students love e learning because they are able to complete as much as 5 times the amount of work in an hour spent online compared to in-person class. 

As you can see, the statistics surrounding e learning videos and online courses are certainly surprising. This industry is fast growing and based on the statistics supporting it, we expect to see a forward trajectory of growth and acceptance among employees, students, and learners of all styles!