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5 Ways to Repurpose Your Video Content

Repurposing your old video content to get more life out of it is an excellent way to maximize the total returns you see from the content. We’re going to discuss some simple ways that you can repurpose your video content and increase the ROI you see on that video. Just think, you get additional usable content from an existing content source and see greater ROI too–it’s a win/win situation. Without further ado, here’s 5 ways to repurpose your video content.

  1. Share Videos with Your Team to Get the Most Use Out of Them

If you’ve created an awesome video that you know will amp up your marketing campaign, don’t be afraid to share it with the rest of your team. Share with your sales team to empower them to use the repurposed video content to maximize sales.

Perhaps you created a case study video or a how to video that showcases the various ways that your products or services can benefit customers. If the video serves a need to your audience, you should absolutely be sharing the content with the rest of your team and encouraging them to utilize it to the best of their abilities.

  1. Repurpose Footage from Other Videos

After making several videos for your business or brand, you will ultimately have a library of the best video content that can easily be multi purposed or re-used to help you create additional videos. Whenever you need a shot of someone in the office or a client speaking profoundly about your product or service, turn to your existing video library and see what kind of footage you can repurpose for your current needs.

Consider the following options to repurpose older video footage into new spin-offs for maximum ROI:

  • Create a Top XX Products video that repurposes several of your past product shoots into a single piece.
  • Create a recruiting video that repurposes footage from various events and exciting happenings from your business into one, must watch feed.
  • Combine several interviews from senior leaders to show how your business has grown over the years offering your customers a look into the history of your brand.

  1. Cut Short Edits from a Video to Create Social Media Worthy Clips

With social media, you have literally seconds to make an impression–you can’t waste those seconds on a traditional video that could start off rather slow with several minutes before climax is reached. Instead, consider the content repurposing strategy that includes grabbing out some of the best and most interesting tidbits of the footage and using those as shorter edits for social.

Even videos that aren’t “ideal” for social media feeds like Twitter or Facebook can become extremely popular when shortened clips are used to spark the interest of visitors to our social feeds. A crafty, edited version of the original reel could bring some new life to your social accounts.

  1. Share Videos at Corporate Events

Do you feel like sometimes you go to these events and run low on content to keep viewers engaged? Consider repurposing your existing video content to share at events. You could create a promotional video or a brand history film as noted above, or you could use some of the most eye catching clips from past events to create a unique show for the latest event. No matter what you decide, there’s a simple solution waiting for you in your old, existing video footage.


  1. Repurpose Videos into Other Forms of Content

Videos can be repurposed into other forms of valuable content such as transcripts, blog posts, still images and slide shows. Writing a short recap of a video and highlighting the key points for a blog post offers a winning strategy to keep your blog updated and to continue bringing new traffic to the old footage. Simple include a link to the video in the post for your readers to “see more.”

Likewise, video transcripts and slide-shows can be shared on various other platforms that are built specifically for those types of content such as Wondershare or Slideshare. Also, you could repurpose a video into a podcast for listeners to get their share of the fun. Consider all the ways you could use that one video to your advantage.

If you’re willing to take some time to repurpose video content you will quickly see that increasing the ROI on that initial video is really an open door for you–there are so many different options waiting for your creativity to take hold. Consider these 5 ways to repurpose your video content and feel free to share any other ideas you have below.