Video Content vs. Written Content: Why Video Marketing is Here to Stay

Video Content vs. Written Content: Why Video Marketing is Here to Stay  For businesses that were early accepters of content marketing, there’s little question as to whether there is power in the addition of video content to the marketing mix. However, for those that were late in the game, some hesitance may still be present […]

3 Uses of Color in Video Storytelling

3 Uses of Color in Video Storytelling Color theory is something we learn about in psychology or sometimes in cinema courses but most of us learn a few things about it and then move on, never to think much about it again. The theories and how influential colors are in our everyday decision making or […]

4 Tips for Creating Binge Worthy Long Form Video Content

4 Tips for Creating Binge Worthy Long Form Video Content Businesses are using video content in all different ways. We see commercials on television, business branded videos on the homepage, and informational videos on social media, blogs, and elsewhere. In fact, there is a trending strategy for businesses to use video content rather widely in […]