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Video Production for the Concert & Event Promotion Industry

Concert & event promotion is a quickly growing industry that is responsible for organizing & advertising major events for live artists. The event promotion industry is certainly familiar with video and the need to promote events & concerts online as this is frequently where prospects are met as well as where ticket sales & merchandise orders for this $51.3 billion dollar industry typically take place. As such, Video Production for the Concert & Event Promotion Industry is largely focused on introducing events to the consumer audience, generating hype around an upcoming live concert or event, and ultimately driving ticket sales that are essential to boosting industry revenues.

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In order to maximize the number of event bookings, concert ticket sales, or various other forms of audience interaction & engagement with an event, the promoter will utilize many different marketing tactics.  With video, promoters can generate event awareness & engage with prospective audiences in order to guide them along the customer journey down the sales funnel closer to, and ultimately achieving, conversion.

Beverly Boy Productions can help you initiate powerful video marketing & advertising campaigns for the events you’re responsible for promoting.  Whether it’s in person, remote, hybrid or even if the concert or event is part of a virtual metaverse experience, Team Beverly Boy can help!

Promotional Videos for the Concert & Event Promotion Industry

Promotional videos are one of many tools that concert & event promotion businesses can utilize in order to effectively engage new & existing customers, increase hype, and ultimately to generate ticket sales or various other forms of event-related conversions that are essential to increasing revenue for the brand. A lot of businesses will leave video out, resulting in tons of lost opportunity for the event and likely missing out on revenue, too.

Promotional Video Production for the Concert & Event Promotion Industry will help you to achieve a variety of underlying goals for your event or concert. This is an incredible opportunity to attract & engage a new or prospective audience and to convert your viewers into paid audiences. Think of promo videos as your ticket to encouraging your audience to make an important conversion-related decision related to your event. (aka a ticket purchase)

Marketing Videos for the Concert & Event Promotion Industry

Marketing videos are as essential to concert & event promotions as just about any other style of marketing available, or perhaps even more important. Whether you want to boost ticket sales, increase your audience reach, engage prospective viewers, or offer pre-event entertainment services, prioritizing the production of marketing videos that are essential to your advertising campaigns is absolutely vital the success of your business.


Concert & event promoters should use marketing videos to engage audiences & promote their business or their events because:

  • Promotional videos are 600% more effective than direct mail & print media combined.
  • Video is shared 1200% more on social media than non-video.
  • Consumers watch an average of 16 hours of video online each week.
  • Up to 86% of consumers want to see more video from the brands they love.

As industry flexibility continues to expand and more audiences turn to the internet to engage & seek entertainment online, concert & event promotion businesses that turn to video for their promotions are going to achieve significantly higher revenue goals than those that do not allow technology to lead the way to their success.

Training Videos for the Concert & Event Promotion Industry

Training video production for the concert & event production industry offers an opportunity for your business to take steps ahead of hiring to ensure proper management level support & training is provided to each new member of your team.  As new employees are hired & they go through the onboarding process, training videos are delivered so that they can learn & understand key concepts related to their roles & responsibilities in order to fulfill their obligations & to prepare them for work within your organization.

Expert training videos will:

  • Improve the training knowledge employees, helping them to be more effective & efficient workers at your organization.
  • Reduce the amount of time that you must spend providing management-assisted training to each new member of your team.
  • Cut back on the amount of training that is required in order for new employees to feel confident in their work roles & to work independently as part of your organization.
  • Safe you time & money that would otherwise be spent on in-person training programs, written training manuals, or other training products.

With many concert & event promotion businesses operating remotely or otherwise having teams that are spread widely across the nation or around the world, training videos are an exceptional opportunity to keep training consistent across the team no matter when, or where, a new employee is hired or trained.

Interview Videos for the Concert & Event Promotion Industry

Ensuring your audience trusts your business or brand to help them achieve their promotional goals is a vital aspect of growing your concert & event promotion business.  Interview videos that share in-depth reactions & stories from key professionals behind your brand can help you to build audience trust & confidence in your brand.

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Ask Team Beverly Boy about expert interview Video Production for the Concert & Event Promotion Industry if you’re ready to take the next step in growing your business, achieving your goals, and setting the stage for your customers & clients one video at a time!