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5 Promotional Showreel Video Production Products for Creators

The internet has opened up the world to a variety of unique opportunities where creators can expand and excel at what they do best – create. And while the creator economy has seen several spikes, particularly as businesses were largely shut down due to COVID-19, one thing any creator that’s been involved in the industry for a while is certain of is the fact that competition is fierce in this industry! If you’re a creator trying to make a name (or a brand) for yourself online, promotional showreel video production might be the difference between whether you get found, or not!

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Whether you’re a YouTuber, or an Etsy crafter, or you’re creating and selling branded e-books online, the creator economy has grown exponentially over the years with a total of 50M joining the creator economy as of 2020! Many use social media as their primary means of advertising and growing their audience while others resort to their WordPress websites or other means. Regardless of where they are growing their brands, there’s no doubt that many are turning to video content as a means of defining their growth portfolios.

As a creator involved in the 50M strong community, what kind of content do you make to show off your projects? We’ve got 5 promotional showreel video production projects for creators to consider in order to make a stance against the competition.

Vlog Compilation Showreel

If you’re a creator that frequently shares vlogs or video blogs, a vlog compilation showreel just might be what you’re missing to promote your brand. Consisting of a mix of clips, stills, and live-action footage showcasing your vlog, this promotional showreel video production project will be ideal to share on your website homepage for increased rankings, on your dedicated landing pages, and on social media to boost awareness and hype around your creations!

Live Video Showreel

Are you a creator that specializes in the production of live video? Whether you create videos on social media, YouTube, or for your own website, there’s likely a crowd of people that would love to engage further with your brand if they knew what you did. That’s where live video showreel production comes into play! With a live video showreel, you can share the best of your past live events, videos, or other creations in a video compilation that highlights top clips from each of your past campaigns. Set to upbeat and engaging music, a live video showreel is ideal for use on social media, your website, and in email marketing campaigns to grow audience hype around your upcoming productions.

Graphic Design Showreel

If you’re a graphic designer that loves making everything from client logos and illustrations to improved still photos, a graphic design showreel might be the best choice for you to share your creations with prospects. If you’re new to promotional showreel video production, make sure that you work closely with a professional crew to ensure that your designs are adequately represented in your showreel and that steps are taken to illustrate your graphic design skills, representation, and techniques throughout the reel. Use your showreel for your social media marketing, to share with prospective clients, and on your website to increase your organic rankings.

Beverly Boy post production

Webinar Showreel

Webinars have become increasingly popular over the past several years as more brands turn to this digital mix of pre-recorded live video presentation and seminar style lecture. Speakers for presentations using a variety of media products including videos, web pages, PowerPoint presentations, and multi-media effects to engage audiences via an online platform or similar host. If you’re a creator that actively engages in webinar promotions for your brand on a regular basis, consider promotional showreel video production for your webinars to highlight past webinars and events to share with prospective audiences.

App Showreel

As more programming languages become available, and tools are introduced making app creation easier than ever, competition in this industry has certainly grown exponentially right alongside the number of apps that are introduced to consumers on a regular basis. If you’re an app creator, you need a way to promote your apps to new audiences to engage and get them to participate in the downloading and sharing of your app products. Promotional showreel video production focused on your latest app projects, and highlighting the best features or past elements of the apps you’ve created can help you create a conversation around your latest projects. Just make sure that you’re highlighting your technique, and skills, as an app producer in order to inspire audience connection with your brand.

Beverly Boy Coordinator

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As you can see, there are endless options when it comes to producing a showreel that will highlight the details and techniques involved in the creation of the products you sell or the services that you provide. If you’re a member of the 50M strong creator community, consider working closely with a promotional showreel video production crew, like Team Beverly Boy, on a video highlight that you can use on your social media profiles, landing pages, email campaigns and website marketing to build a following and increase the reputation for your brand. This is a great way to draw interest, and generate audience awareness around the creations that inspire you!