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Video Content Marketing Case Studies that Prove You Can’t Afford Not to Use Video Too

As the rise of the internet continues to build and video becomes the most important form of content for businesses and brands to produce, consumers are engaging online with some platforms significantly more than other. Why? Because video is where it’s at, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to be changing anytime soon. Whether you’re considering YouTube or some other platform such as TikTok or Instagram Stories to expose your video marketing efforts, one thing is certain: these video content marketing case studies are proof that you really can’t afford NOT to be using video in your own marketing and advertising campaigns and, if you’re not already doing so, you need to get on the bandwagon and do it quickly!

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If you’ve ever wondered what makes some businesses stand out against all of the competition and what causes others to slip through the cracks, you’re certainly not alone. For many, video marketing is the key to success online, and for those who don’t realize this important fact, the likelihood of falling further and further behind is ever increasing. Content marketing has long been a vital factor to digital growth, and today’s content is almost completely focused on video.

Consider the following video content marketing case studies that prove how powerful video marketing can be for your brand and, when you’re ready to produce your own video content marketing projects that are going to give you positive and powerful case studies to share about your own brand, give Beverly Boy Productions a call!

Coca-Cola Campaign Hits 30M views


The Coca-Cola video marketing case study is one of the most powerfully effective visions of proof that video can be incredibly for brands. In their push to display the campaign about “happiness” on their 100th Birthday, Coca-Cola was able to release a viral video that garnered over 30M views in a time when video views of that shear volume were almost unheard of 5 years ago. This specific video would launch across social media to help the brand push the campaign that was all about creating happiness online and sharing the cheer with others.

HubSpot Video Marketing Campaign Increases Revenue for Client


Another success story to go along with the idea of video content marketing case studies, HubSpot was able to launch a campaign for client ShoreTel, a communications company based out of California. As part of the campaign, the marketing giant would use the HubSpot platform and video to increase results for the client driving conversions and boosting revenue for the brand in a significant way. ShoreTel would walk away with incredible results thanks to HubSpot’s video marketing campaign that lasted just a few short weeks.

Dollar Shave Club Launch Video Reaches Record Virality


In a record for all video marketing, Dollar Shave Club produced a single launch video that would be blasted all over the internet and television when the brand launched. While the brand owner could only hope for the virality that it received, nobody could truly imagine just how powerful video marketing could be for the razor delivery brand. Today, Dollar Shave Club continues to prominently use video marketing to its ability to promote the brand and outshine competition in a hard to penetrate industry and more importantly, the first video was very low budget!

IBM’s “A Boy and His Atom: The World’s Smallest Movie” Rakes in 6M Views


Another example of video content marketing case studies that prove you can’t look back on whether or not to use video for your marketing, IBM created “A Boy and His Atom: The World’s Smallest Movie,” and it’s since garnered over 6M views on YouTube. Taking a similar approach to Dollar Shave Club in that the video was low budget and hardly relatable, IBM would make a title that actually continues to sit in the Guinness World Records as the World’s Smallest Stop-Motion film and, A Boy and His Atom, continues to poke fun at the brand’s relations at a B2B giant.

Poo~Pourri Commercial “Imagine Where You Can GO” Earns 13M Views


If you’re not convinced that video content marketing is a must, consider the last of our video content marketing case studies that are sure to prove otherwise: Poo~Pourri, the bathroom spray brand, produced a viral video that would ultimately earn more than 13M views online. Imagine that many people being able to spot your brand and grab an idea of what your business has to offer!  For this particular video, the brand was able to achieve success through the sharing of a topic that might be largely considered taboo (most people don’t want to talk about what goes on in the bathroom) and making it powerfully real for the audience. Someone had to do it!

Wondering how you can put video content marketing case studies to work for your brand? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call!