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Top 10 Draws to Hiring Video Production Services in Columbia

Columbia brings all the best of the outdoors, weather, and the charm of the south to a single, central location. Whether it’s the pristine beauty of the city or the southern charm, there are certainly many draws to hiring video production services in Columbia, SC.

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A historic capital with plenty to see and do, Columbia grows on you. Really, this town features all the great amenities, and attractions a film crew, or an aspiring filmmaker could possibly ask for — and some! 

Check out these top draws to hiring video production services in Columbia:

1. Weather

Winters with temperatures mostly in the upper 50°s and warm spring and fall months make Columbia an attractive location for filmmaking most of the year. The summers are hot, but there are plenty of attractive watersports within this southern gem to cool you down. Just prepare for humidity!

2. Food

After a long day of video production services in Columbia, you and your crew will likely be starving! The food in Columbia is certainly pleasing to the palate.

You’ll find everything from simple pub style burgers and beer to elaborate presentations that are equally exquisite as they are entertaining. This South Carolina town has literally something for everyone when it comes to food.

Check out Halls Chophouse or Motor Supply Co. Bistro for true Columbia fare. 

3. Affordable Lodging

Video production services in Columbia are likely to result in your staying in the city for at least a couple of days. Whether you stay for a few days or a few weeks, the lodging in the city is affordable and comfortable.

You’ll find an inviting mix of typical motels and hotels, as well as historic bread and breakfast style resorts to choose from. Many feature immediate access to dining and entertainment for an all-encompassing visit.

4. Three Rivers Greenway

Featuring walking trails and the true outdoor beauty of downtown Columbia, the Three Rivers Greenway represents a welcoming escape for filmmakers. Visit during golden hour for some of the absolute best shots the city of Columbia can offer!

5. Columbia Museum of Art

Featuring unique architecture, and amazing art exhibits, the Columbia Museum of Art is one of the leading art institutions in the country with several distinguishable exhibits and innovative educational programs. This is a must visit for anyone with a creative flare!

6. Lake Murray

The 50K acre lake is definitely one of the greater draws to hiring video production services in Columbia.

Whether you come to the lake to produce a film of your own, or you’re just visiting for some watersports and to cool off, this lake has plenty to see and do – and enough room for a crowd.

7. Entertainment

Several bars and entertainment venues make Columbia an attractive destination for spending some downtime after a long day of filmmaking. 

Check out the various tap rooms and craft beer options or visit the Art Bar on Friday nights for an eclectic array of music where you can dance the night away.

8. Sheraton Downtown

A rooftop bar located atop this hotel is one of the key draws to the city. Located above the many shops and restaurants along Main Street, the Sheraton is a unique building with a lot of history.

Perfect for a film shoot or just to capture a few quick shots for some b-roll, the hotel is situated among three half-century-old buildings and features a lot of unique architecture.

9. Saluda River Tours

The Saluda River is calm and flat compared to the various whitewaters that run throughout Downtown Columbia.

If you’re filmmaking brings you to the river, prepare to see some of the most amazing natural beauty the south has to offer as you kayak, canoe, or raft down the meandering flow of the water. 

10. BBQ

Sure, we mentioned food already, but really — it’s South Carolina, and if Columbia or any other city in the state is known for anything, it’s got to be BBQ! Whatever draws you to hiring video production services in Columbia, the BBQ is likely what keeps you around!