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5 Considerations to Make when Hiring a Post Production Agency

We get called rather frequently to edit footage and put the finishing touches on work that another production crew may have started or that a business has managed to capture at their own corporate event or otherwise remotely. In fact, Beverly Boy Productions is a post-production agency of sorts that offers not only studio style production for projects but also full-service post-production editing that can bring your footage to the next level.

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But one thing we hear quite frequently in the field is, “I just didn’t know what to look for when I hired…” or “I just didn’t review the right areas of concern before making a decision.” or “I was wrong.”

Let’s Get Started:

It hurts us to face a client that feels defeated by their previous choice in hiring a post-production agency.

We understand the regret that comes from having made a poor hiring choice and we see the frustration clients have when they come to us with a half-finished project and ask, “Can you fix it?” or “Do we have to start over?”

That’s why we’ve put together a list of top considerations that we believe you should make when hiring a post production agency or, any production company really, for a film project. We hope this helps you make the most educated hiring decision for your future film projects.

#1. Don’t Let Them Fool You

Before you make any hiring decision, you really need to dive deep into the resources available to help you make an informed decision. Don’t let any production company fool you with their demo reel! The demo reel is their best work, but it also tends to be old and outdated.

In fact, the demo may not be the most accurate reflection of how they will edit your footage today. There is a good chance the people behind the demo are long gone and an equally good chance that the demo reel footage will be nothing like what you provide. So why rely on it?

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#2. Talk with Past Clients

Not just any past clients, but those that are closest to your niche. If you can, check with past clients in a similar niche and ask them what they liked or disliked about working with the post production agency that you’re considering.

When speaking with past clients, make sure they are recent clients — again, it does little good to talk with clients from several years ago because they may not provide an accurate representation of what you can expect today.

#3. Shop Around & Get Quotes in Writing

Why? For several reasons! First, you never know how varied the pricing will be from one post-production agency to the next. Plus, you need to make sure that the quote that a company provides for you is accurate and reflects the work you wish to have completed.

A written quote can be easily compared to other quotes and provides you with something to bring to other post-production agencies as a foundation. Don’t be surprised if your project pricing ranges several thousand dollars in some cases.

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#4. You Get What You Pay For

It’s not to say if you pay more you’ll always get more, but in the industry of video production and when dealing with a post production agency, you generally can expect to get what you pay for.

Pay less, and you’re likely to get less. This is especially true when it comes to experience. Make sure that you hire a post-production agency that has the experience required to deliver the results you expect.

This is not a time to settle for less! While you may not necessarily have to pay top dollar, if you find a post production agency that you connect with on other levels, but seems to have higher pricing.

Ask them about their experience, equipment, and other elements that could be precisely WHY they charge more — and then make a decision that’s right for you.

#5. Check References

Don’t just ask for references, check them! The biggest mistake we see clients make is that they ask a company that they have an interest in working with if they can contact past client references but they don’t follow up.