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What Do Production Companies Do?

A production company takes on the responsibility of developing video content and producing films for a variety of businesses and professionals. In fact, production companies provide a wide range of services and can handle a laundry list of filmmaking tasks. If you’re not sure exactly, what production companies do, you’re not alone! Many wonder what do production companies do, and why?

BBP Production Crew

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Types of Production Companies

Different types of production companies are often tasked with various projects. For example, independent production companies frequently produce their own films or movies.

Essentially they are responsible for working to produce a movie with outside financing that they attract from investors. 

Likewise, publishing houses that act as film production companies represent another type of production in which they work closely with book authors to produce content that relates to the authors work.

Many production companies work for businesses or professionals, producing video content for them. 

What Do Production Companies Do?

Video production is a heavily involved process that requires a lot of working parts. Making a video requires scripting, location scouting, filming, and a bunch of logistics.

Video production companies produce videos of all styles and types including things like training videos, corporate videos, documentaries, case studies, and full-feature films. 

Essentially, when you ask what do production companies do, the answer is — a lot!

They are capable of:

  • Producing media content
  • Writing scripts
  • Hiring film crew and staff
  • Planning shoots
  • Casting a film
  • Deciding when to film
  • Deciding where to film

Production companies are capable of producing all different kinds and types of videos. When you ask, “What do production companies do?” the potential answer is as wide as the question itself.

To learn more about Beverly Boy Productions and what we do, give us a call at 888-462-7808, we’re happy to explain!