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5 Ways for Marketing Teams to Get the Most Out of a Video Content Library

Marketing teams are faced with daily challenges as they relate to everything from managing and organizing written or visual content to quickly adjusting things like branding or other corporate elements to media when brand changes are made. If you produce a lot of video content for your marketing needs, you’re probably already familiar with a video content library and the benefits that come from organizing your video content in this capacity.

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But, do you know how to get the most out of your video content library? And, more importantly, are you maximizing the benefits that come from hosting your video content in your own dedicated digital library?

Trust in Team Beverly Boy

At Beverly Boy Productions we specialize in helping brands produce video content on a wide scale, but we also focus much of our time on training brands on the importance of organization and on making the most out of the content they have. Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more about how you and your marketing team can get the most out of your video content library.

Maximize Your Efficiency

We’ve put together several different ways that you can begin to utilize your video content library to maximize efficiency and effectiveness among your marketing team. Check them out:


1. Target Marketing of Your Video Library by Account

Referred to as account-based marketing (ABM), using your video library to organize videos and target individual accounts allows you to produce personalized marketing programs for each account that has access to your library. This way, everything that a particular account holder sees in your library is focused and appears relevant or personalized to their individual needs. You’ll see higher conversions and improved outcomes which minimal upfront work by your team.


2. Target Individual Groups or Verticals


What if you could show particular groups videos that help them see the connection between their brand and yours? What if you could optimize the video delivery in such a way that particular groups or verticals, such as your prospects for a particular product sale, would only see videos that show companies just like theirs benefiting from your items? With a video content library you can target individual groups to deliver personalized, targeted campaigns that achieve results.


3. Streamline Video Distribution


What if you could streamline the process of distributing video content to your audience? Instead of  spending an hour or more uploading each video to YouTube, what if you could publish the content more quickly and conveniently? A video content library allows you to automate much of the process, connecting your video library with your intranet or other sources that would allow you to quickly and easily upload new content with ease. The result: faster publishing, streamlined distribution, and time-saving marketing automation at your fingertips.


4. Score Video Viewers by Interest or Engagement


The use of a video content library provides marketing teams with additional insight into the people that are viewing their content and the steps taking place as users interact with videos online. In fact, sophisticated video content libraries allow marketing teams to actually score viewers based on their interest or engagement level and deliver content based on their lead score–now that’s sophisticated marketing!


5. Group Videos & Organize for Future Use


When marketing campaigns are over, what happens to your video content? For many brands, it’s just left all over the place with little later recollection or use–and this is a huge waste of resources. 

Keep Track of Everything

However, marketing teams appreciate the value of having a video content library which allows them to not only group videos for demonstration to particular consumer audiences but also to save for future use such as at events or marketing summits. Additionally, a video content library allows you to track all of your video content in a single location, and reuse for future campaigns or use.