What is Television Video Production?

What is Television Video Production? Television video production includes the planning, creation, hiring and coordination of production, filming, and post-production editing of film media for TV or broadcast.  [blog-contact email=”email” label=”Get a TV video production quote here!”] The creation of film and video media that is broadcast on live television includes a variety of steps […]

Insight Into the Television Production Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Insight Into the Television Production Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Producing a television show is very much like the process used to produce a short marketing video or a full-feature film. There are three major phases that must take place including: pre-production, production, and post-production. While you may not actively participate in most of the activities that take place in each television production process, it […]

6 Types of TV Commercials for Your Business

6 Types of TV Commercials for Your Business

Television advertising is an expensive game to get into but it’s totally worth it if you plan and execute your commercials in an appropriate manner. Many brands are already spending tens of thousands on commercial television advertising each year, which is why the U.S. as a whole sees more than $70B spent annually in television […]

5  Benefits of Hiring a Television Production Company

5  Benefits of Hiring a Television Production Company Filmmakers come in all different shapes and sizes with tons of differences in their backgrounds and skillsets. Some are professionals in cinema and can create cinematic experiences that many brands would only dream of calling their own. Others specialize in the redundancy that only a television commercial […]