What to Include in a Shot List

What to Include in a Shot List A shot list comes around at the very beginning of the filming process when you’re preparing all the essential tasks that will take place on the film set and beyond. When planning the shot list, you’re thinking about all of the different steps and important elements of a […]

How to Create a Shot List

How to Create a Shot List Each time a film is produced there are many steps taken to ensure essential planning and execution of the production. The shot list is one of the many documents used to organize essential duties of film production. Included in a shot list are various important details relative to how […]

What is a Shot List?

What is a Shot List? What is a Shot List? Filmmakers spend much of their time utilizing production templates and essential planning documentation to ensure each shot, scene, and the element of the production comes together for perfection. Whether you’re completely new to video production, or this is something that you’ve been actively involved in for […]

Using Your Shot List to Communicate Your Creative Vision

Using Your Shot List to Communicate Your Creative Vision You have a vision that in your head will make the footage perfect for the script, especially with a particular scene or element coming up. But how can you make sure that the audience sees what you see? This is where professional cinematographers are using the […]

What Happens During Pre-Production in Film

What Happens During Pre-Production in Film During pre-production a lot of planning and early strategy for a film production takes place. If you’re not sure what happens during pre-production in filmmaking or movies, the process can seem awkward or long and unnecessary. However, the steps you take in pre-production to plan and execute a strategy […]