5 Questions to Ask Video Production Houses in New York City Before Hiring

5 Questions to Ask Video Production Houses in New York City Before Hiring Hiring a production house can be a challenging task that becomes downright overwhelming if you go into the process unprepared. As a small business owner in New York City, you’re probably already overwhelmed with day-to-day operations and the various responsibilities of running […]

New York City Filming Laws Every Cinematographer Must Know

New York City Filming Laws Every Cinematographer Must Know Professional cinematography in any city or state will have certain regulations and laws that the filmmaker must follow. In the past, New York City filming laws generally applied to the safety of the community as well as to the privacy of those who may be filmed, […]

How Do You Get Permission to Film Around New York City?

How Do You Get Permission to Film Around New York City? Filming in the Big Apple is something that many aspiring filmmakers and cinematographers seek to do. Once you’ve got your story, your script is ready to go, you’ve hired a crew, and you know just the right location right in the heart of New […]

New York City Short Film Festival Guide for Filmmakers

New York City Short Film Festival Guide for Filmmakers Each year, the New York City Short Film Festival attracts filmmakers from around the world as well as aspiring artists that are interested in filmmaking. Representing the largest NYC festival for short films, and attracting professionals to the Big Apple for a week of short film […]