Quick Tips for Creating Effective Documentary Interview Videos

Quick Tips for Creating Effective Documentary Interview Videos  Producing documentary interview videos is a process that any documentary creator will face at some point and it’s incredibly important that they get this part of the production just right. The interview, after all, is the driving force behind the documentary. It’s the key factor that builds […]

What’s the Average Cost for a 5 Min Interview Documentary Video?

What’s the Average Cost for a 5 Min Interview Documentary Video? The interviews that you capture for a documentary make up the foundation of the story and drive the direction or vision overall. Each documentary is typically made up of several interviews or at least 1 or 2 long interviews that includes key information about […]

Planning the Most Appropriate Documentary Video Interview Questions

Planning the Most Appropriate Documentary Video Interview Questions Interviews are the foundation of the documentary experience, but there’s only so much time to perform interviews and most interviewees will have a time limit in regards to how long they’re willing to answer your questions. Planning your documentary video interview questions to make maximum use of […]

What is the Cost for a 5 Min Interview Documentary Video?

What is the cost for a 5 Min Interview Documentary Video? What is the Cost for a 5 Min Interview Documentary Video? Production rates vary significantly between companies and between individual projects. Filming a documentary is no different. The addition of an interview can add a lot of value to your documentary, but it may […]

Documentary Interview Filming Techniques

Documentary Interview Filming Techniques The interview portion of a documentary helps to further establish the importance and expertise of the subjects involved in your film, but without proper steps to film the interview in a way that it will engage and captivate the audience, you’re really at a loss. However, you can capture documentary interview […]