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5 Reasons to Book Gainesville Remote Shooting Kits 

There is a need to control the exposure of your team to COVID-19 when filming any type of project. But how do you do that? Remote shooting kits provide contactless video recording that provide safety for the crew and the camera talent during the recording of a video. Since your crew already knows how to operate the camera and lighting system in your studio, they will have an easy time operating remote shooting kits. Using the kits will allow you to produce top-quality video footage with limited contact & zero face-to-face interactionWe are ready to plan the fast delivery of remote filming kits anywhere across the entire North Florida area including Palatka, Lake City, Lakeside, and Orange Park. Here are the top 5 reasons to book Gainesville remote shooting kits.

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Gainesville Florida Skyline

#1 Social distancing with Remote Video Kits 

There are currently lots of challenges facing production crews with social distancing beckoning at every corner. To adapt with the times, you need to know how effective remote video kits are in producing top-quality video content, as you observe the social distancing rules. In a single, sterilized kit, you will find a combination of a pair of lens, microphone, lighting and live web streaming production equipment. For a practical package, you can receive a custom virtual filming package that is tailored to meet your needs. Some of the gear you might get in your tailored kit includes, teleprompters, wireless camera equipment, additional lighting and audio. Once a technician installs your Gainesville remote shooting kits, they can leave the room and shoot the film from a remote location. 

#2 Hands free production with Gainesville Video Drop Kits. 

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, you need to go for contactless video production, because it provides safe, hands-free production, which will help to distance the camera crew from the camera talent. Since lots of Gainesville video drop kits are available for different projects, each kit has unique features and capabilities. When you book a mobile shooting kit in Gainesville, you have to be prepared to provide your production requirements so that the supplier can prep the best video drop kit solution that will help you achieve your production goals. There are different configurations for a rig, they can range from something as simple as a single camera system with basic remote features, to a complex multi lens camera system with complete wireless control over all the added video production equipment.

#3 A Virtual Filming Package Meets Your Needs 

Beverly Boy Productions is providing quality Gainesville remote shooting kits that have the same top-range production equipment that a regular on-site camera crew is familiar with. The kits are different because they allow the crew to film, without being in the same room as the camera talent when filming is ongoing. A virtual filming package usually contains different sets of equipment and step-by-step shot coordination, that helps the crew to remotely capture the perfect footage for your viral video. A typical virtual filming package will feature a professional-grade camera, a laptop, lighting, and audio equipment, all of which are positioned on a moving cart. Once you order your custom kit, you will have everything you need to film safely, avoiding any indication that would lead to an increase in Coronavirus risks.

Remote Shooting Kits

#4 Get Gainesville Production Gear on Demand 

Are you interested in shooting in Pleasant Street or University Heights? You can schedule fast delivery of your Gainesville remote shooting kits by getting in touch with our crew today. Call Beverly Boy Productions to discuss the steps you need to take to place an order for your Gainesville production gear on demand. There is nothing as assuring at this time as providing a safe filming environment using a sanitized production kit. The moving cart and camera equipment are created to allow for minimal setup. You can configure the camera to face a certain direction, and then remotely control the positioning of the lighting and audio, as you deem fit. When the recording is complete, the custom rig is returned, sterilized, and prepped for the next project. 

#5 Sanitized Production Kits for Your safety

Sanitized production kits are safety production kits that will keep your crew safe in uncertain times. Now, COVID-19 has its claws skin deep into the production community and the larger business community. So, how do we get out of this situation? Beverly Boy Productions is helping production crews to pursue their production goals through the use of contactlessGainesville remote shooting kits. With these kits, your crew will have a chance to safely carry out video projects for your customers, without any major concern about COVID reports. Regardless of the needs of your project, sanitized production kits will help you to setup a safe filming environment for everyone involved in your project. Since a drop kit technician will be operating the rig, they will ensure that the actors/actresses are not exposed during the shoot.  

If you want to learn how you can order your custom Gainesville Remote Shooting Kits, contact Beverly Boy Productions. Our team is ready to help you simplify your production processes as you continue to adhere to social distancing policies set forth by the CDC. To benefit from the contactless delivery of Gainesville video drop kits, get in touch with our admin team today.