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5 Important Tips for Choosing Book Trailer Services for Your Book Release

Although we live in an ultra-fast paced world, people are still heavily engaged in books. But when it comes to advertising, a book trailer video is prime. These short, engaging videos can deliver powerfully effective experiences for potential readers, quickly drawing them in and helping them to see the value of your book. Choosing book trailer services to assist in the creation of your book trailer is a step towards the successful release & distribution of your written work.

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Beverly Boy Productions provides book trailer services for authors throughout the U.S. and abroad. Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more about our book trailer services and the next steps to creating engaging videos that effectively promote your written works.

Before choosing book trailer services, make sure that you’re following these tips:

1. Review Portfolio Work for Past Experience

Hiring just any production company to create a book trailer for you will not guarantee the successful launch of your book. It’s important to hire a production crew that has past experience in providing book trailer services for authors.

Check the portfolio to get an idea of the type and style of work each provider can deliver and make sure that you’re looking for past experience specifically in creating book trailers. This is important!

2. Check Reviews & References

You can learn a lot about a production company by reading the reviews that others post online and by communicating with their past client reference sources. Keep in mind, when you’re reading reviews online they may not all be “valid” or “genuine” so use your judgement on that.

The best reviews are those that you can get from past clients. Do your homework and call past clients to discuss the work that took place and how they feel about it. You may be surprised by what you find out!

3. Analyze Demo Work & Past Projects

Ask each of the prospective production companies that you’re considering to provide you with some demo work or access to review past projects. Specifically, you’re looking for past book trailers that you can review.

As you review the works, don’t think so much about whether you would read the book or not, but look at the production quality.

Does the trailer tell the story of the written work? Does it have unique properties? Is the footage engaging, interesting to watch, and professional in appearance? Is the quality of the production in line with what you might consider for your own project?

4. Discuss Your Project in Person If Possible

Before choosing book trailer services that may be ideal for producing a trailer for your book, make sure that you take the time out to talk with the production crew and try to do it in person if you can.

The purpose of the communication is to get a feel for what it would be like to work with the crew. Do they listen to what you have to say? Are they engaged with your ideas? Do they have ideas of their own? Do you like the ideas that they have?

If you are uncomfortable when you meet with a particular company, or they don’t seem to have much interest or input for your project, this could be a red flag and a potential sign that they’re not the most suitable option for you.

You might want to keep searching for a company that is more compatible with you and that has more interest in your project. 

5. Get Pricing & Production Timeline Details Upfront

While pricing shouldn’t be the sole factor in determining whether to work with a particular production company or not, it will certainly come up as you’re working on finding and choosing book trailer services that are right for you.

You should have a budget in mind that’s right for you, and a timeline that works for you, ideally the timeline will allow for the book trailer to be released prior to your book release so that you can use it to build excitement and demand for your book. 

Discuss these key details with the potential production companies that you are considering for your book trailer. You want to be sure that whomever you hire has the ability to produce the trailer within your timeline and that the project can be completed on budget. 

At Beverly Boy Productions we provide book trailer services for authors in every genre. Whether you’re releasing a short-story series, a novel, or a non-fiction title, we can assist you with the production of an engaging book trailer that will drive interest for your book.