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How much does video production cost?

How much does video Production cost? This is the golden question. Asking How much does video production cost, is kind of like asking, how much does a car cost? Well I guess it all depends on what kind of car you want? A 1995 V6 Honda civic, with 250,000 miles? or would you maybe prefer a Bentley Continental GTC V8. Well these are two very different cars, one of them is by many estimates, an inexpensive, not highly regarded car that will just get you from A-B (sometimes). The other could be considered very flashy, expensive, and extremely luxurious. Both of these cars will drive on the road just the same, they will both take up the same amount of space in a Mall parking lot. and they both have an engine, and 4 wheels. However, one will turn heads, while the other wouldn’t get a second glance.



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Video production cost breakdown: Know what you want.

When working out a video production cost breakdown, this analogy is very fitting. We first must understand that your idea, the vision of what you want your video to look like will ultimately determine the cost. Once we are clear on what you see in your mind, then we can have a conversation about cost. Some people simply want a basic video to show on YouTube, not much fuss, not to concerned with lighting, and sound. Others may want a cutting-edge masterpiece that they are going to premier at a trade show to promote their business. Well this is kind of like the older model car on its last leg, versus the brand new shiny Bentley.

Beverly Boy Productions - Film Crew for hire
Beverly Boy Productions – Film Crew for hire

Video Production Cost: We can help.

When it comes to video production cost, there is a definite solution for both of these scenarios. Drop us a line today and we will try to manage your expectations and answer all of your questions about video production cost. There are so many factors that can determine the budget of a video production. We have experienced hundreds of projects over the years, so we can help iron out the options. if you quickly want to find out how much your video will cost, give Beverly Boy Productions a call, we are able to give you a free consultation, and a quick quote today.

Below are a few projects that we have produced, along with price ranges:  

The cost for this type of video production could range between $4,500 – $7,500

Potential budget range from $6,500 – $9,000

Potential budget could range from $50,000 – $60,000

Possible budget range between $70,000 – $90,000