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Live Streaming Services for Government Meetings

Live streaming services for government meetings represents a valuable resource for governments to actively increase civic engagement. Today, many governments are legally required to offer live streaming services as a demonstration of transparency and accountability to citizens. Government live stream options, such as live streaming city council meetings or other public access meetings provides real-time, accurate delivery of information to citizens that otherwise may not be able to attend the meeting in-person.

live streaming government meetings

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Why Governments Should Consider Live Streaming

Virtual face-to-face meetings

If you’re local government offices are not already live streaming, your citizens are missing out on transparency and real-time reporting. Government live stream represents an opportunity to meet constituents right where they are–online, via the internet.

Since the majority of internet users spend an average of up to ten hours of their time online, daily, governments that choose to overlook the value in providing live streaming services to users are choosing to actively avoid making services more convenient and accessible to all.

To achieve maximum engagement from an otherwise distant audience, government live stream services should be provided for those who want to attend meetings but are unable to physically be present for various reasons.

Meeting constituents at the internet, providing a real opportunity to access government services and engage despite distance, sickness, time constraints, or other situations that otherwise prevent an in-person attendance represents a real step towards making government services more accessible.

What it’s all about

The bottom line is, live streaming services allow governments to share their core message with citizens in real-time, from the source, eliminating the potential for miscommunication.

Live streaming of government messages allows for:

  • Your local government representative to be directly linked to the community audience.
  • The ability for the community audience to see and hear exactly what the government representative has to say.
  • Increase the authenticity of the message being delivered by the government as community sees the message coming directly from the source.

Live streaming services for government meetings represent a way for governments to strengthen their brand and build recognition in the community. Representatives are able to actively answer community questions in real-time, via live stream. Additionally, governments that live stream can show behind-the-scenes representations to community members, building a stronger sense of human level understanding between the government and the community or constituents involved.

Government Live Stream Services

government live stream from courtroom

Amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, many governments are turning to live stream services to address challenges directly related to social distancing and a lack of ability to attend meetings or similar government activities in person. While many municipalities previously sought ways of making city council meetings and other public government services more accessible regardless of illness or virus or other issues in the community, too many fail to provide access that meets stringent, changing constituent needs.

However, many live streaming services are available to provide more ways for community members to actively engage in government meetings and public events. Local governments may use live stream services for:

  • Live streaming community board meetings.
  • Live streaming city council meetings.
  • Live streaming city hall meetings.

Choosing a Live Streaming Service Provider for Your Government

Team Beverly Boy

Governments that are interested in adding live streaming to their current PR strategy should choose a live streaming service provider that understands the importance of reliable, professional streaming.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in live streaming for governments and local city and state level organizations that represent the public. We realize that the decision to live stream government services and meetings is very important. Our professional live streaming production crew will help your team:

  • Provide high-quality live stream with flawless delivery free from technical issues or failure of any kind.
  • Offer backup and recovery options to protect your live stream should any technical issue arise.
  • Maximize your reach by providing distribution and publishing recommendations based on your individual municipality needs.
  • Offer support, preparation and guidance to ensure success during critical streams as well as during downtimes or less crucial events.

If you’re ready to learn more about live streaming for government services, give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808. We can’t wait to help you make a difference in your community!