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Funeral Live Streaming Services

Distant family members and friends may struggle to appear in person at a funeral service, especially if that service is held thousands of miles away or comes at a time when loved ones are sick or otherwise unable to travel. Funeral live streaming services make saying “Goodbye” to a loved one as simple as logging into the internet. This allows condolences to be shared regardless of distance or inability to travel at the time of the memorial service.

funeral live streaming of casket

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Live streaming technology allows the funeral home to offer families and loved ones an added element of comfort in a most difficult time. Internet enabled live streaming funeral services provide those who cannot attend the memorial service in person with an opportunity to be a part of the funeral from remote locations.

Friends and family may attend from their home, office, or even on the go via a smartphone, tablet or similar internet connected device.

Live Streaming Funeral Services Keep Families Connected

As families grow, technology expands, and travel to cities far and wide becomes more widely accepted, families struggle to remain connected with one another both in positive times and when tragedy strikes.

However, a common element keeps families connected during these times–technology. Live streaming services have been around for about two decades, but they have only recently become a prominent element in the funeral industry.

Keep families connected

We don’t balk at the idea of watching a sporting event, concert, or even a wedding via live stream, but we fail to consider sharing something as somber as a funeral service–why?

Unless the dearly departed had specific requests not to live stream the service, funeral live streaming appears a worthwhile, helpful option for friends and family members to actively share the memorial with those who otherwise may not be able to attend for various reasons.

Thus, live streaming a funeral offers a unique opportunity to keep families connected even during the most difficult times.

Global Reach for Grieving Friends & Family Members

family viewing live stream funeral service

Whether it’s distance, social distancing, or a busy schedule that prevents an individual from being reasonably able to attend the funeral service of a loved one or friend, funeral live streaming enables attendance and the opportunity to take part in the memorials of those they care about wherever an internet connection is available.

Live streaming a funeral provides global reach for those who otherwise may have only been able to send flowers and their condolences due to distance, scheduling conflicts, or various other situations that could prevent in-person attendance to the memorial.

Benefits of Remote Funeral Live Streaming

remote funeral home live stream of service

Although the initial thought of live streaming funeral services may seem inappropriate, 20% of funeral homes currently offer funeral live streaming to loved ones. Let’s be clear, we’re not talking about live streaming a loved one’s funeral for the world to see.

Funeral live streaming services are designed specifically to allow for anyone in the family or friends circle of the deceased to attend despite poor health, distance, cost, work, or scheduling that may otherwise prevent such in-person attendance.

The live stream funeral service is provided on a closed-network that only those invited have access to view.

Funeral live streaming also provides the following benefits:

  • Ability to plan funeral services more quickly as there is no need to wait for those who would otherwise need to travel great distances to arrive. This is especially important to the Jewish community as burial is intended to take place very shortly after death.
  • A live recording of the service for family members to watch after the funeral is over. This is equally important as many family members report the heavy grief making them “miss” much of the funeral despite being present. Live streaming provides a copy of the service which can be viewed again and again.
  • Those attending remotely may chat with one-another via the live stream platform. This makes the funeral service interactive both for those in-person and for those who are attending from remote locations.
  • Individuals that otherwise would not have been able to attend the funeral have an opportunity to take part in the service. This helps people to heal and progress through the stages of grief more effectively.
  • Families with young children that may respectfully attend, remotely. Even if they otherwise wish to keep the children out of the grief and have an opportunity to attend without physically going to the funeral home.

The Honest Reality 

Although a funeral is not something many want to talk about, we’ll all find ourselves in the position at some point where we are thinking about and planning the funeral of a friend or loved one. Now is the time to consider whether funeral live streaming may just make the grieving process a little bit easier for those who may otherwise struggle to attend a memorial service in person.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we realize that live streaming a funeral is probably not your favorite thing to discuss, but if we can put your mind at ease, even for a few minutes, in knowing that you’ve made it possible for loved ones to attend the service of a friend or family member despite distance, time, money or any other burden that would have otherwise prevented their attendance, we’d love to help!

Give us a call to discuss funeral live streaming and the steps we can take to discreetly, and compassionately, and remotely share the memorial of your loved one with friends and family.