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6 Reasons Live Streaming Video is Right for Your Brand 

Social media, YouTube, websites, television, so many different places for video and so many opportunities for businesses and brands to connect with their audiences. So what is the right form of video for your business? Is live streaming video right for your brand?

The truth is, brands large and small can benefit from live streaming video. In fact, if you’re not sure whether live streaming is the right choice for your brand, consider these 6 reasons to use live streaming video to grow your business.

1. Easy Startup

Few upfront marketing programs are easier to implement than live streaming video. You can literally start with almost nothing — in theory you could use your smartphone and current internet connection to get started.

In fact, there are technically zero upfront costs to start live streaming video for your brand.

Streaming Platforms

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and various other platforms make it very easy to begin live streaming video because they want your business to attract followers and bring more people to their platform.

Tutorials exist for each platform to help you live stream video content but it’s also good to consider working with a professional video production crew to truly get the most out of live stream video efforts.

Contact Beverly Boy Productions to learn more about how we can assist you in setting up and getting started with live streaming video.

2. Real Time Customer Communication & Engagement 

Vienna live performance streaming

Few other platforms open the gates to real time customer communication and engagement. Of course, your 800 service number can open that two way channel, but few marketing channels open the floodgates like this. 

But what’s the benefit to real time customer communication and engagement? That’s rather simple…Live streaming video allows you to communicate back and forth with consumers opening up discussions, interactions, and real time collaborations.

For example, you can live stream content about an upcoming product and how it’s used. Customers can ask you questions about it, and you can show them and answer at the same time.

Likewise, consumer engagement can take place between consumer and consumer too. The overall reaction — is positive!

3. Integrated Call to Action Events 

The purpose of all live streaming video and brand marketing is to have consumers perform some action — that call to action. Your call to action could be to have the consumer sign up for your email newsletter, or it could be to call and schedule therapy or literally anything else.

As long as you’re taking your time on how you write your call to action, and you make sure that you are delivering the CTA in a way that relates to the content within your live stream, consumers will be accepting of it.

4. Convenience for You & Your Audience 

quarantine livestream

Have you ever really wanted to attend an event but because of its location you decided not to? Have you ever thought that IF an event came closer to home or changed pricing then you would attend?

Live streaming events represent the opportunity to deliver powerful, engaging events without the stress of audience attendance from around the world in-person. 

Audience members are more likely to attend because they do NOT have to spend money on hotel or lodging and they do not have to be concerned about location. No matter where your event is, your audience can participate in the event.

Live streaming video for your brand is an opportunity for you to reach a worldwide audience without leaving your home city. There is great convenience and there are several more benefits that come directly at the fact that live streaming video does not require audience members to book travel.

5. Ongoing Content Use 

Live streaming video is just that. Live stream and then it’s done– right? WRONG! Live streaming video, just like any other form of captured video, can be reused and should be reused.

In fact, when you create a top quality live stream video file, you should be considering how you can reintroduce the content of the stream in ways that will not leave the audience feeling like it is repetitive.

Repurposing live stream content that was once used for other purposes represents a way to get the absolute most out of your video.

One great live stream video for your brand can be turned into multiple b-roll shoots, many marketing video recaps, short video clips for social media, animated GIFs, and even non-video or non-visual based content such as written blogs.

6. Engagement Leads to Action

Live streaming video is the best option for brands that are looking for ways to engage with their consumer audience base and provoke an action plan.

Did you know that almost 75% of all businesses that report using live streaming video mention that it is highly effective for their business. Engagement, between businesses and brands, evoke action. 

Live streaming video increases conversions, develops stronger leads, and encourages those leads to take action. If you’re looking for an all new way to connect with your audience and encourage them to take action, consider live streaming video!

Need help getting started? Call Beverly Boy Productions. We’ll help you incorporate live streaming video into your brand. Team Beverly Boy has worldwide production crews that specialize in live streaming video and corporate marketing. We can’t wait to help you get started.