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How to Use Video to Market Your Digital Marketing Agency

As a digital marketing agency owner, you know the importance of video in today’s digital environment. The statistics are insane – consumers watch 100 minutes of video online each day, 84% of brands use video in their marketing campaigns, and 82% of all internet traffic is video related. You probably recommend video to your clients, merely because of these statistics, but do you know how to use video to market your digital marketing agency the way you recommend that your clients use video?

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If you’re not using video to help your digital marketing agency succeed, you’re potentially missing out on so many opportunities for growth and success. In fact, video is not just for marketing your digital marketing agency. You can also use video to increase consumer awareness of your brand, generate more sales leads, keep customers happy, and communicate with your team.

For the purpose of this post we’re focusing on how to use video to market your digital marketing agency. Let’s just talk a little bit about the different ways that you could be using video to your own advantage, the way that you are probably recommending to other business owners that they should be considering video for their brands.

Use Video to Market Your Website

You might not have realized how to use video to market your digital marketing agency website, but it’s really simple. All you have to do is include useful videos on your key landing pages and you can expect higher search engine rankings which will lead to more organic traffic for your brand. Website videos can range from branded content that helps to personalize your business to explainer videos that help prospects to understand your products or services.

Embed marketing and content videos onto your website for up to 33% higher likelihood that your page will rank in the top 3 of the SERPs and to increase the average amount of time that your audience spends on your page.


Use Video to Increase Your Lead Generation

Whether you’re including videos in your email opt-in forms or you’re just using the term “video” in your email subject line, you could be increasing your lead generation just by incorporating video into your marketing strategy without any other major changes. In fact, the use of the word “video” in your email subject line can increase open rates anywhere from 7% to 19%. Additionally, videos included in email campaigns reduce opt-outs by as much as 75%.

A strategically planned, and placed, video can increase your lead generation significantly. Consider the use of videos in your email campaigns, on landing pages, on social media, and anywhere that you can incorporate this medium over plain text or static images alone.

Use Video Testimonials to Increase Trust in Your Agency

Running a digital marketing agency is definitely competitive. If you’re just learning how to use video to market your digital marketing agency, chances are you’re not familiar with all of the different types of video that are available at your disposal. The testimonial video is one of the simplest to create and it’s incredibly powerful.

Consider creating customer testimonial videos that you can share on your landing pages, in your email campaigns, and throughout social media. You can also post testimonials on your Google My Business or other local platforms to increase consumer trust in your digital agency.

Use Video Interviews to Increase Authority in Your Niche

Certainly as a digital marketing agency you’re well aware of the importance of niche marketing? The use of video to market your digital marketing agency as an authority in your niche is invaluable. All you have to do is record professional interviews with key authority subjects in your agency and share them on social media, your website, in your email campaigns or otherwise.

Share your expertise while maximizing your authority on what you know best – all things digital marketing! You’ll be so surprised at how these kinds of videos increase your lead generation while also increasing your organic rankings, too.

Create Instructional Videos to Market Your Products or Services

As a digital marketing agency, you probably offer certain products or services that you’re quite proud of, don’t you? Do you think your customers could get more out of your services if they were fully aware of all the features and benefits that they provide? Creating instructional videos to market your products or services can help you help your customers while also further promoting your agency as a leader in the industry.

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Whether you’re sharing tidbits about marketing, digital ad creation, or something entirely different, there are endless opportunities for you to create instructional style video content to market your digital marketing agency online through your own website, social media, or various other channels and platforms.

As you can see, learning how to use video to market your digital marketing agency is certainly something that requires commitment and focus, but it can be incredibly rewarding and powerful for your brand. All you need is a video marketing strategy, and some goals, and you’ll be well on your way to reaching more customers, generating more leads, and signing more clients up for your digital marketing services.