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How to Use Video to Market Your Advertising Agency

As an advertising agency owner, you probably pay a lot of attention to the various forms of content that are best for promoting other people’s businesses, but then when it comes time to promote your own brand, you are less involved or less attuned to what needs to be done. Sound familiar? The truth is, learning how to use video to market your advertising agency can make a world of difference in the overall effectiveness and success of your campaigns, but many agency owners forget the importance of following the same methods and tactics that they use for other businesses when it comes to promoting their own brand.

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If this sounds like you, you’ll probably be happy to hear that you’re certainly not alone! In fact, many advertising agency owners find that they struggle to implement the same techniques and tactics that are tried and true for their clients into their own marketing campaigns. And yet, we know that if you just find the opportunities, and take the steps to use video to market your agency, you’re bound to be more successful.

To help you get started, we’ve put together this guide on how to use video to market your advertising agency, complete with several ideas that you can implement right away!

Types of Videos You Can Create for Your Advertising Agency

Start by planning out the various types of videos that you might want to produce for your advertising agency. Fortunately, there are many options that are available to you largely based on your individual needs, goals, and intent. For instance, you could produce case study videos which showcase how your advertising for a past client impacted the client’s revenue and increased ROI or otherwise helped their brand. You could also produce brand videos which represent your mission, services, or your vision.

There are different types of videos that can be used at different stages of the buyer’s journey from building awareness of your advertising agency to helping consumers come to terms with whether they should choose your agency over another agency, etc.


Consider the following types of videos to market your advertising agency:

  • Branded videos that increase brand awareness.
  • Event videos which share conferences, round table discussions or other events you’re involved in.
  • Expert interview videos that prove your advertising agency’s authority and internal expertise.
  • Educational videos which help customers to learn which ads are best for their business and come to terms with the various solutions your agency might provide.
  • Explainer videos which help your audience to understand the various advertising services your agency offers.
  • Animated videos which share details about your agency such as difficult to understand advertising concepts or services.
  • Customer testimonial videos which share the satisfaction of past clients to increase trust among your prospects.
  • Personalized videos that you can incorporate into your email marketing campaigns and to share with new customers to humanize your brand.

As you can see, there are a lot of potential options to choose from. What works best to market your advertising agency is going to depend on your goals.

Plan Your Video Marketing Strategy

While we have entire guides on video marketing strategy, it’s important to note here that planning is essential to the success of your video marketing. If you’re trying to figure out how to use video to market your advertising agency, you must, at bare minimum, consider the following points on video marketing strategy:

  • Set your video marketing goals. What are you trying to achieve?
  • Know your target audience. Who are you trying to reach?
  • Decide on a type of video to create. How are you going to tell your story?
  • Stick to the timeline for production. When do you want to have your video ready?
  • Plan your budget accordingly. How much can you spend on this campaign?
  • Prepare to measure the success of your campaign. What metrics will you use?

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These are all key areas of importance in terms of planning and executing a video marketing strategy for your advertising agency or business.

Important Tips on Video Marketing for Advertising Agencies

Now that you know the different types of videos you could create, and you’ve got your strategy nailed down, we’ve got a few more important tips to help you learn how to use video to market your advertising agency successfully. Consider the following:

  • Use industry benchmarks to your advantage. Follow the data!
  • Run A/B tests on your video marketing campaigns. Test what works and what doesn’t and evolve and grow as you go.
  • Use video remarketing campaigns to maximize the impact of your marketing campaigns.
  • Consider the use of video at each stage of the buyer’s journey from awareness to purchase.
  • Make sure that you adjust the narrative to fit the platform where you distribute your video so that you can best resonate with your audience.
  • Stay consistent with your video marketing efforts! Persistence pays off.

Team Beverly Boy

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Want to learn more about how to use video to market your advertising agency? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call, we’ll immediately put our more than two decades of filmmaking expertise to work in creating a powerful video marketing campaign for your advertising agency.