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How Much Does it Cost to Make a Workout Video?

Prior to COVID-19, people attended the gym frequently and it was common to workout in big rooms full of robust, energetic people looking to get their blood pumping and energy flowing. Changes in gym openings and social distancing regulations changed all of that and today, many workout instructors and personal trainers have adapted their programs to deliver training to clients online. If you’re a trainer considering the addition of a workout video routine to your website or social media profile, you’re probably wondering, “how much does it cost to make a workout video?”

Videographer Prepping Camera Gear 194

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Length is a Key Influence in Cost of Production

Your workout video will likely be between 30 and 90 minutes long. Most workout videos are about an hour in total length unless you’re looking to make a short, single exercise workout video in which case you may have a video that is 30 seconds or less in total length.

The length of your workout video directly influences the cost of production. A longer video will require substantially longer production time as well as more time in post-production editing.

In addition to the length, the number of cameras used and the addition of any specialty equipment will also come into the determination of how much it will cost to make a workout video.

Here is a sample of a 1 minute promotional video we created for a fitness studio


Before making a workout video, consider where and how you intend to share your video. Will it be shared on social media as a way to get people up and moving while they scroll?

This type of video is generally under 2 minutes in total length which means the cost to produce it will be significantly less than a full, 60-minute workout video.

Average Cost Per Minute


The average cost of video production per minute is between $1,000 and $10,000 in most cases. When budgeting for a workout video it’s important to keep in mind these videos don’t tend to require substantial special effects or top-quality equipment investments.

So you can generally expect the total per-minute cost of your workout video to be around $1,000 to $3,000 per finished minute.

This is keeping in mind that there will be a single shoot location and that there will not be any advanced graphics or special effects included in the final production.

What Impacts the Price of My Workout Video?

Physical therapy training video

That’s another great question that goes along with, “How much does it cost to make a workout video?” The reality is, several different factors impact the total cost of your workout video. Some of the most common factors include the quality and the length of the video.

But in addition to the professionalism that comes into play when determining the cost for your workout video you also have to consider the fact that you’re paying for many different professionals to work on your project including:

  • Film Director – >$250 per hour
  • Script Writer – >$150 per hour
  • Cameraman – >$400 per hour
  • Editor – >$175 per hour
  • Actors – >$500 per hour
  • Equipment – up to 100s per hour
  • Studio Shooting – up to $400 per hour
  • Narrator – >$400 per hour
  • Audio Files – up to $1000
  • Video Rendering – up to $75 per hour
  • B-Roll – expect to pay a percentage between 10 and 50% of your total cost
  • Miscellaneous Fees – can cost very little up to 1000s extra

Exercise / Fitness / Activity

These professionals put their time and experience into the production of your video. Additionally, the amount of time that these professionals must work on your workout video will depend largely on the following factors:

  • The total length of the production.
  • The location that the production takes place in and whether they are multiple shoot locations.
  • The amount of graphics or special effects required for your workout video.
  • Whether you use purely stock footage or include additional b-roll for your workout video.

Still need help figuring out the answer to your question, ‘How much does it cost to make a workout video?” Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more.

Here is an example of a workout video intro produced by Beverly Boy Productions: 

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