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Funeral Live Streaming Services 

If you and your loved ones are facing challenging times, funeral live streaming services in Iowa City can help everyone stay connected. Despite the distance between you, you can still be present together in saying your goodbyes. 

Live streaming technology is something that many funeral homes are providing to grieving families, knowing that it’s difficult for loved ones to be together at this time. Whether it’s job conflicts or illness, there may be reasons why your family and friends can’t attend the funeral in person—but with this service, they can be present on their phone or laptop.   

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Live Streaming Funeral Services Keep Families Connected

Job offers across the state or a relationship with someone in another city are both reasons that we may not be close to the people we love. However, technology has a way of keeping people close despite distance, and this is especially true of live stream technology.

Although it’s commonly used for weddings or graduations, it’s starting to become more popular for funerals, especially as the pandemic has changed the way we come together. At first glance, it could see inappropriate but its’ truly helpful in helping people grieve together despite being far apart. 

Global Reach for Grieving Friends & Family Members

Funeral live streaming services in Iowa City allow you and yours to be in touch when dealing with grief. While you may be far across the world, the global reach provided by this tech helps you to stay connected.  

Helpful Aspect of Funeral Live Streaming

Live streaming a funeral is a new concept yet one that 20% of funeral homes are offering as a service. Shared over a closed network, you and yours can be present together in privacy to say your goodbyes with this technology. 

Funeral live streaming services in Iowa City offers these benefits below:  

  • If your religion deems it necessary, you may need to plan a quick funeral. If you have to wait for family and friends, this could be hard. With this technology, you can make it happen ASAP. 
  • With the saved footage, you can revisit moments from the service as needed. 
  • If you’re a parent, you may not want to bring the little ones to the actual funeral. But, with this technology, you can keep them at home while attending online.  
  • You can be in contact with others attending remotely as you attend online, so that you all find support in each other while being present at the live stream service. 
  • Saying your goodbyes is an important part of the grieving process and even if you can’t be there in person, attending online can still be helpful. 

At Beverly Boy Productions, we know that it’s a very difficult time, which is why our team is here to provide reliable funeral live streaming services in Iowa City, so all of your family and friends can say their goodbyes. Call us today!

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