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Funeral Live Streaming Services 

Having the whole family together to say goodbye to your loved one is an important thing when dealing with loss. However, it’s not always possible. When you can’t be together in person, the next best thing is to have funeral live streaming services in Decatur, GA at the funeral.

Live streaming technology is now becoming popular for funeral homes, ready to offer the services that make a difference for those who can’t be in the same place, whether due to job conflicts or sickness. It makes it possible for family and friends to attend from their phone or laptop.  

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Live Streaming Funeral Services Keep Families Connected

Whatever the reason may be for family and friends being spread around the globe, it’s important to find a way to connect. Technology has served an important purpose. It helps to people connected in joyful times, as well as times of grief. 

Global Reach for Grieving Friends & Family Members

Funeral live streaming services in Decatur allow funeral homes to provide the type of support that is needed during the pandemic. The global reach provided by these services allows your circle of loved ones to connect despite distance.  

Helpful Aspect of Funeral Live Streaming

With over 20% of funeral homes offering this service, you can have everyone present at a funeral without having to worry about everyone being able to show up in-person. Streamed over a closed network, your circle can all attend. 

Funeral live streaming services in Decatur offers these benefits in these ways: 

  • In some religions, funerals must take place quickly. When you have to wait for people to travel, this can be a challenge. Live stream services offer an alternative. 
  • Filming a service means you can save the footage. This can be beneficial when you’re dealing with grief and want to revisit the service. 
  • When you attend a service remotely, you can chat with others in your circle who are as well. 
  • It’s wise to attend a funeral when dealing with your grief. While you may not be able to attend in person, you can attend via live stream. 
  • If you’re not ready to bring your kids to a funeral, the live stream service may be right for you.

We know that live streaming a funeral is helpful but also a difficult topic. We’ll provide discreet support at Beverly Boy Productions to help you through this time. We offer supportive funeral live streaming services in Decatur, so don’t hesitate to reach out during this experience!

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