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What is the Feminist Film Theory?

Feminist film theory is one of several forms of film theory that have developed over several years of filmmaking and academic film study. If you’ve heard the term feminist film theory and wondered, “What is the feminist film theory?” You’re not alone. As a new, aspiring filmmaker going through film school, you’re likely just learning about the various types of film study and what each means. Feminist film theory represents a unique criticism of film. That comes as a result of feminist politics and feminist theory. Which was influenced by the 1970s Second Wave Feminism.

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What is Feminism Film Theory?

Feminism film theory, or feminist film theory, represents a unique approach to analyzing cinema and film elements. That developed as a result of the second wave feminism and women’s studies that occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. 

Feminist film theory basically focuses on the function and placement of female characters. As well as their narratives in films and videos.

Unlike other forms of critical film analysis, feminist film theory is heavily focused on the constructs of the women’s narrative in film and how women are represented in films.

This film criticism and study seeks to understand the pleasure that comes from films and film roles. While providing psychoanalysis of theoretical accounts of women in cinema. 

Key Elements of Feminist Film Theory

Feminist film theory represents several key elements one can define as:

  • The female spectator
  • The “male gaze”
  • Representation of women in film
  • Sexist ideologies

Multiple Theories

Several different theories exist in feminist film theory. The critique of films that have been produced by women, include women actors. Or otherwise portray women on screen has long been a heavy focus of film study. 

We see feminist film theory used to describe the shift in how we view films from a broader sense. For example, women often receive praise for specific elements or behaviors, and not for others.

This is a feminist undertone commonly seen in the industry. And a theory which has been long studied.

Film Theory in Academia

Feminist film theory scholars seek to understand the various notions behind the differences in how women identify with female characters, how women are portrayed on the screen, and how female roles represent denominational characters and gender. 

So, to learn more about feminist film theory, consider studying film and film theory. As well as film psychoanalysis. You’ll learn so much!

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