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Top 3 South Carolina film schools for filmmakers to consider

South Carolina has a happening film production industry with several filmmakers waiting to get started in the industry. If you’re looking for large or small South Carolina film schools, there is something on this list that could be the right fit for you. 

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BBP Recommended Reading - Screenplay

The below schools are communities where hopeful South Carolina filmmakers can receive great one-on-one training to launch their career in the South Carolina industry.

These schools have a variety of programs, including immersive film programs, as well as options that are more traditional. 

As an active member of the South Carolina video production community, we know there are challenges in the journey to a successful career.

Fortunately, as you study at one of these schools, you’ll receive adequate preparation for a future in South Carolina film production, animation, or media.

Students who learn the main principles of filming, editing and production can find themselves on career paths with major film companiesnews studios, and advertising agencies or even successful in self-employment.

1. Clemson University

Clemson University offers a B.A in World Cinema and aptly prepares you for a successful future in film. With programs that build on all the important aspects of film, from theory to technical skill, you’ll be fully prepared to either enter the workforce upon completion or pursue further education in this area. The degree offered by Clemson University is ideal for a future in filmmaking, journalism, digital media, and more. 

Phone: 864-656-3311


Clemson University

Clemson, South Carolina 29634

2. Bob Jones University

Get a B.S. in Cinema Production from Bob Jones University, and you will be prepared for a successful career in film, whether you want to work as a director or screenwriter, etc. As a Christian school, programs are designed around the faith and an emphasis on Christianity in filmmaking. From theory to practical skills, the program is a traditional yet innovative option for any future filmmaker seeking to get started in South Carolina film production. 

Phone: 800-252-6363


1700 Wade Hampton Blvd

Greenville, SC 29614

BBP Recommended Reading - First Time Director

3. College of Charleston

As a traditional option in South Carolina, College of Charleston is one of the best South Carolina schools for a start in your educational journey to becoming a great filmmaker. From minors to majors in everything from creative writing to communication and theatre, there are many options available for you. The school is also known for its faculty members who are committed to helping students reach success through their education. 

Phone: 843-953-4957


66 George Street

Charleston, SC 29424

BBP Recommended Reading - Hitchcock

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