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How to Hire a Film Crew in Pittsburgh

Learning how to hire a film crew in Pittsburgh is a process that demands a lot of due diligence. But it is necessary if you want to come up with the best crew that can guarantee quality videos in your production. There are plenty of aspects to consider when hiring a film staff, you have to look at your budget, as well as the different aspects of a crew like experience and reliability. Below, we have outlined key resources that can help you approach this process with confidence! 

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Contact our office if you need our services in the following zip codes, 15122, 15205, 15214, 15221, 15230, and others. 

Film Crew Positions

camera crew filming testimonials profile

The first step you need to take is to get familiar with the roles of all professionals who are important in the film production process. By hiring the top positions first, you will get good suggestions of the rest of the people who you need in your professional Pittsburgh crew.

At Beverly Boy, we offer full service Pittsburgh film production services, from location scouting to Pittsburgh film permits. Whether you need a 3-man film crew at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, or you are shooting an independent film on Grant street, our team is ready to meet your needs. 

Here’s the Pittsburgh film crew hierarchy:

  • Director – The leader of the whole production. Can also provide recommendations on a number of people for other positions, especially those they work with best.
  • Script Writer – Necessary if you don’t have a script written. But for a prepared script, prospective directors may want to see it before accepting a project.
  • Line Producer – Helps to ensure that your production stays on budget.
  • Unit Production Manager – In charge of the logistics of the production. You can get the insight you need on how to find other necessary crew members.
  • Production Coordinator – For larger productions, this person will help with contracting, paperwork, and other administrative tasks.
  • Locations Manager – Scouts appropriate locations for film sets outside of a studio.
  • Cinematographer – This is the person responsible for filming your event or project. An important asset on set.
  • Production Manager – The person in charge of production expenses and negotiating contracts. Cinematographers may have recommendations.
  • Production Designer – Responsible for all creative aspects of the project. Can be recommended through production managers.
  • Sound Engineer – The one who will deliver a high-quality audio for your video.
  • Sound Crew –A sound crew can ensure the engineer has what they need to make it all come together.

How to Find a Film Crew in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Production Company

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One of the easiest ways to find a film crew in Pittsburgh is to hire an experienced film production company like Beverly Boy Productions. Even with our crew at your service, we expect that you conduct a thorough background search on the team. It is important that you have complete confidence in the competence of the crew that is handling your production. 

Now, in case you want to handle the hiring process on your own, we would like to support your efforts by sharing some tips on where you can find film crew professionals in Pittsburgh:

  • Pittsburgh’s Film Commission – the local commission is a primary resource that you need to use for all things related to filming in your region. Use their production directory to find and interact with local crew members who are qualified to work on your project. 
  • Pittsburgh Film crew websites & forums – another great way to find the right talent to fill the different roles in your roster.

Hiring a Film Crew in Pittsburgh

film crew

When you have the right candidates to add to your film crew, what should you be looking for so that your film production in Pittsburgh runs successfully? Considering that the size of your film crew in Pittsburgh is structured to meet the needs of your production. 

To hire professional crews in Butler County, Armstrong County, Beaver County, or Westmoreland County, contact our office today.

Discuss film crew Pay Rates

It can be awkward to discuss the film crew Pay, especially if you are not sure how to go about it when hiring. The best way to address the topic is by opening up about the pay rates and expectations of the film crew members. As a precaution, be wary of people who offer cheap rates for their services, it doesn’t mean that the work they put out will be of the best quality. When deciding on your budget, expect to pay a fair price for top quality film crew members.  

Demos & Resumes

A video that demonstrates the abilities of an individual through short clips of previous work done is called a demo reel. When you look at an individual’s demo and the resume, you can see whether this person’s style and work ethic matches that of your creative interests.

There are positions in the demo that demos do not apply. For such a case, you have to look at the references. A resume is a basic way to look at the experience of an individual. But in some cases, you need to reach out to the people who have worked with the talent before to understand if they have the right skills or not. 

Dos and Don’ts

  • DO ask others for a second opinion on a candidate you’re primarily considering.
  • DON’T promise anyone a position, you might find a better alternative. 
  • DO ask for crew recommendations if you’re having a hard time filling a position.
  • DON’T hire someone that may be skilled, but has a personality that doesn’t mesh with the rest of the crew.

Ready to Hire a Film Crew in Pittsburgh?

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Now that we have shared with you all the info you need to know about how to hire a film crew in Pittsburgh, it’s important to use all of that information to get the right team for you. But if you do not want to go through all these stages, but you still want to have the perfect crew working on your project, contact Team Beverly Boy today. We’re a full-service film production company with award winning film crews in Pittsburgh who are veterans of film production. 

We’re ready to deliver on your film project, whether you need interviews, documentaries, event coverage, or feature films. When it comes to hiring a film crew in Pittsburgh, we are the go-to guys! 

We also service brands in neighboring cities like Dormont, Brentwood, Wilkinsburg, and Munhall counties.