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5 Elements of Effective Teaser Video Production

Effective teaser videos are like effectively laying the bread trail out for customers to be attracted right to your brand. Done right, teaser video production can boost hype around your products or services so that consumers can’t wait to purchase. If you’re looking for ways to grab your viewers’ attention and get them beyond curious about the products or services that you have to offer, consider a teaser video. As long as you’re incorporating these 5 elements of effective teaser video production into the process, you’ll be sure to generate curiosity and interest in your brand.

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1 Introduce Your Product or Service

Not just any introduction will do here. You need to introduce your products or services in a way that has your audience not only learning about who you are or what you do, but also feeling 110% interested in the products or services you offer. Don’t reveal it all at once, but consider discussing the basic context of what you offer so that your customers will understand the relevance of who you are to your brand.

2 Include a Brand Name & Logo

Effective teaser video production always includes your name and logo somewhere in the video at least once. This may be as simple as incorporating a logo into the final clip or it could be as prominent as including the brand name and logo throughout the video. The idea here is to reinforce the product or service connection to your brand and the storyline of the video. Failure to include your logo or branding could result in your creating a teaser video that the people love but do not relate back to your brand — thus it is useless for your bottom line.

3 Incorporate Visual Representations of Data

Great teaser video production realizes that humans are very much visual learners. In fact, we tend to recall 90% of what we see versus only 10% of what we read. Visually we process information significantly faster when we see it versus when it is simply read from text. Great teaser video production incorporates visual representations of data to help the audience retain it. Use text to complement visuals and improve the viewer retention of the data.

4 Back Up Details with Social Proof

Social proof happens to have a lot more influence on consumers than you would think. In fact, viewers that see data or details backed up by the people or resources they trust are more likely to follow through with whatever the CTA is in your teaser video. Whether you include a customer testimonial or actual customer footage of consumer use of your products or service, your teaser video should incorporate social proof to ensure those watching the video are most likely to follow through with the intended call to action.

5 Include a CTA

Every great effective teaser video includes a CTA. Without a call-to-action (CTA) your video may not result in the intended outcomes. Whatever it is you want consumers to do once they watch your teaser, whether it’s stick around to watch the full length video or call your business or purchase from a button — the CTA is the most important element of your effective teaser video production process. Determine a logical action to be completed after watching your video — and ask your audience to do it!  This is the end goal of your video content — whatever it is, share it!

Ready to create effective teaser videos that will help your brand grow and achieve success? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today! We can’t wait to help you start producing teaser videos that will hook your audience and have them anxious to proceed with purchasing your products or services.