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Types of Online Business Events that Succeed with Video

Virtual events are a growing trend for businesses, but many brands are still working to figure out what type of events are going to be most engaging for their audience and most profitable for the brand. 

Video is a big factor for online business events and a key component in whether or not an online business event succeeds. Although online business events are a growing trend, not all events utilize video fully for success. Here are some various types of online business events that succeed with video content.

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 1. Live Streaming Events

The use of live stream video content is a growing means of engaging consumers in events. Online business events that live stream must have video — it’s the key component to the event. 

But there are several types of live stream events that video can be used in including Q&A sessions, Facebook Live Events, Twitter Live Events, and Livestreams that include personal presentations and tutorials.

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Online business events can include a wide range of vendors and people involved for maximum engagement and fun. Conferences are one such type of online business event that uses video to engage consumers and bring the entire audience together.

 Consider online conferences for your business if you want to get a group of like-minded individuals together. This is especially ideal for a group of healthcare professionals or individuals in a similar field.

Live streaming a conference in Tokyo


Online business events have long been focused on bringing prospects together and delivering engaging video sessions where the attendees and the speaker can interact. Webinars are one such online business event opportunity.

 Webinars give you the ability to bring your audience together in front of your video presentation where they can ask questions and engage with you. Video is vital for a webinar as it allows your viewers to see your presentation and attend your event.

Live Webinar

4. Online Summits

Similar to an online conference, online summits are online business events that use video for a wide range of event presentations, interactions, and sessions. 

Summits use video ads to bring people to the event. They also use video presentations to bring attendees together to learn and engage. In the end, online summits use video to help consumers view and connect with the speakers of the summit. 

5. Virtual Fair

Online business events don’t have to be focused on a single business, many of these events bring multiple businesses and brands together to deliver engaging audience experiences. 

The virtual expo or virtual fair is one such example of online business events that can use video to engage consumers and connect them with a wide range of vendors and accomplices in a similar industry. Consider online business events that focus on careers, health, wellness, or attitude to get started.

virtual conference