What is the Feminist Film Theory?

What is the Feminist Film Theory? Feminist film theory is one of several forms of film theory that have developed over several years of filmmaking and academic film study. If you’ve heard the term feminist film theory and wondered, “What is the feminist film theory?” You’re not alone. As a new, aspiring filmmaker going through […]

What is an Archetype Character in Film?

What is an Archetype Character in Film? Characters in film have various labels or symbols based on their underlying values and characteristics. Archetype characters in film represent a particular underlying set of characteristics that represent the character in some way. Similar to what you might expect from a stereotype. It’s the typical characteristics or qualities […]

What is an Anthology Film?

What is an Anthology Film? Filmmaking is full of various terms that are a hodgepodge. Of those which are relatively simple to understand. And those which are incredibly complex and challenging to understand. For example, “anthology film” is one of those many terms. That is a mix of both simple and challenging to understand. What […]

What is the Difference Between Personification and Anthropomorphism?

What is the Difference Between Personification and Anthropomorphism? As a screenwriter or aspiring filmmaker, you may have faced challenges in creating characters for films. And developing them into something that your audience can resonate with. In fact, one of the challenges many screenwriters face is in whether to use anthropomorphism or personification. In order to […]

Choosing Character Archetypes for Film

Choosing Character Archetypes for Film Character archetypes for a film represent underlying symbols or traits that a particular character may possess. In relation to their life experience and behaviors. We all know some of the most common character archetypes in film. Because the patterns make the next steps or actions that are expected from a […]

What is Anthropomorphism?

What is Anthropomorphism? Anthropomorphism is a term that is commonly used in screenwriting and in literature to describe the comparison or attribution of human traits. This includes acts like breathing, human emotions such as happiness. Or human intentions such as a plan to perform an action. In relation to a non-human entity. As humans, we […]

How to Write an Anthology Film

How to Write an Anthology Film An anthology film is a short series of stories that are loosely connected by theme, character, or some other element. But which may technically have no other relationship to one another. They don’t necessarily mean the same thing or have similar stories. In fact, the stories can be incredibly […]

What is Looping in Film?

What is Looping in Film? Sound terms such as dubbing, ADR. Looping and dubbing are commonly used in post-production processes. In which the dialogue of a film is replaced or replicated in order to finalize a film. If you’ve ever worked in post-production, you’ve likely heard the terms dubbing, ADR, and voice-over. As well as […]

What is an Antagonist in Film?

What is an Antagonist in Film? For most stories, there is a protagonist and an antagonist that make up the primary characters that are featured throughout the narrative. But what is an antagonist in film and, more importantly, how are antagonists used in screenwriting to develop the overall conflict of the story and make it […]

Everything You Need to Know about Asynchronous Sound in Film

Everything You Need to Know about Asynchronous Sound in Film Throughout a film, we hear many different sounds and see many different things on the screen. That help us to pull in the various elements of a story and feel connected. Visually, the experience is to connect the narration and sounds with what we see. […]