Understanding the Social Ideological Value of Film

Understanding the Social Ideological Value of Film In filmmaking, there is frequent incorporation of ideological messages. Which touch on the underlying societal views of major groups or subgroups of people within culture. And these views often form the foundation for a story or an underlying message within a film’s context. When we look at the […]

What is Internal Diegetic Sound in Film?

What is Internal Diegetic Sound in Film? Sounds are one of the many elements of a film that can add life to the story and draw the audience in creating a unique connection to the characters, environment, and overall theme of the film’s story. You can generally divide a film’s sound into the following categories: […]

What’s the Difference Between Hard Light vs Soft Light in Film?

What’s the Difference Between Hard Light vs Soft Light in Film? In filmmaking, the lighting that is used to create the scene plays a key role in the mood, emotions, and visual connections between subjects on the set. Soft light can produce smooth shadows that minimize dimension and depth whereas a hard light may create […]

What is Persistence of Vision in Film?

What is Persistence of Vision in Film? During the production of animated films, the illusion of movement is frequently referred to as the persistence of vision. This phenomenon is said to result from the residual image. Which is ingrained within the retina of the eye as the next image is shown creating an optical illusion. […]

How do We Define Block-Booking in Film History & Why Was it Outlawed?

How do we Define Block-Booking in Film History & Why Was it Outlawed? The film industry has seen a lot of change over the years. With many different steps having been taken to ensure the safety and efficacy of business owners. Particularly theater owners in this case. Historically, block booking is a practice that was […]

Quick Tips on How to Block Out Windows When Filming

Quick Tips on How to Block Out Windows When Filming Blocking out windows when filming on location is something that an amateur filmmaker may not immediately think about. But this does not mean it’s not important! Figuring out how to block out windows when filming is important for continuity purposes. But also to ensure that […]

How to Get Over Writer’s Block for Film Scripts

How to Get Over Writer’s Block for Film Scripts Face it, every screenwriter has a time in their career where they just can’t seem to get past writer’s block. Figuring out how to get over writer’s block for film scripts is something that every screenwriter has to just face head on and deal with at […]

How Do Film Crews Block Off a Street?

How Do Film Crews Block Off a Street? As a student filmmaker, you’re probably elated at the idea of your first “real” professional film shoot. You can’t wait to be there, but when you see the address there’s a bit of confusion. The address lists an entire city block for the shoot, but how could […]

What is Diegesis: A Film Definition for Independent Filmmakers

What is Diegesis: A Film Definition for Independent Filmmakers In story writing and filmmaking, various rules and stylistic techniques are tools to produce the elements of the fictional worlds that characters are a part of. In the film world, diegesis is a term that is frequently used to describe the unique made-up worlds within a […]

What is Direct Cinema?

What is Direct Cinema? Throughout the history of motion picture making which began more than 100 years ago there have been a variety of genres and styles to develop as filmmaking has progressed year to year. Documentary films, in particular, have evolved in many ways to overcome the amateur, “home movie” style and quality that […]