What is Third Cinema?

What is Third Cinema? Various film theories and study styles exist to guide the representation of film projects and how they are studied. In fact, throughout the film industry there are many different styles and studies of film movements and aesthetics including third cinema. But what is Third Cinema in film? And what does it […]

How Does an Audience Process Visual and Sound Elements in a Film?

How Does an Audience Process Visual and Sound Elements in a Film? The use of visuals and sound paired together on screen has the power to evoke strong emotional responses and deep connections among the audience. Although audience perception and processing of film elements can vary greatly based on many different factors. The emphasis between […]

Match on Action: A Film Definition and Editing Technique

Match on Action: A Film Definition and Editing Technique Audiences love to see films that have a lot of action and great transitions between scenes. But connecting these scenes in a way that allows for the most cohesive and seamless transition can be challenging. Filmmakers frequently use the match cut, also called the match on […]

What is Mickey Mousing in Film Music?

What is Mickey Mousing in Film Music? In the film industry there are always unique terms that describe various techniques and traditions that’re evolving over many years of film creation. The term “Mickey Mousing” is one in use in a variety of scenarios. To describe a particular technique of synchronizing music with actions on the […]

The Miniature Effect: Using Miniature Models in Film to Create the Impossible

The Miniature Effect: Using Miniature Models in Film to Create the Impossible  Have you ever watched a film and wondered how the filmmaker managed to produce such an amazing scene? While filmmakers have long been masters of creating illusion and imaginary images on screen. There are just some scenes that make you wonder – how? […]

What is Naturalistic Acting in Film?

What is Naturalistic Acting in Film? Frequently the result of improvising, naturalistic acting in film captures a natural style in which the audience senses that what is taking place within the film is real or otherwise unrehearsed. Naturalistic acting can be of use in a variety of different settings or situations. But it tends to […]

What is Suturing in Film?

What is Suturing in Film? Throughout the filmmaking process various techniques are used to suture the audience into the movie, but what is suturing in film?  How is it that filmmakers are able to suture the audience into the film in such a way that their imagination is positioned for them to enter the narrative […]

What is Saturation Booking in the Film Industry?

What is Saturation Booking in the Film Industry? The way that films are distributed, within a particular demographic either within a local vicinity or through a vast network will vary largely based on many different factors.  While films have evolved and their distribution channels have evolved in various ways too, studios have developed different concepts […]

What is the Importance of Allusions in Film?

What is the Importance of Allusions in Film? Allusions are used to allude to other elements or events. In order to build connections quickly and with strong reason within the story. Throughout literature, allusions have long been used to establish context. Or otherwise to build upon the referential understanding that the audience has with what’s […]

What is an Unreliable Narrator in Film? Examples of Unreliable Narrators in Movies

What is an Unreliable Narrator in Film? Examples of Unreliable Narrators in Movies We’ve all been the victim of the unreliable narrator in film. You know the one. It’s the narrator who has their facts wrong, and whose credibility is, well, misguided. Unreliable narrators are frequently used in filmmaking to generate suspense, suspicion, and misdirection […]