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You Only Need These Interview Questions for a Testimonial Video to Boost Sales

Go to any blog post that addresses the topic of Interview Questions for a Testimonial Videos, and you’re almost guaranteed to find a laundry list of questions that the “pros” say you should ask, but the truth is – you don’t need a ton of interview questions for a testimonial video to be effective. In fact, once you understand how to figure out what the most important interview questions for a testimonial video actually are, you’re going to be amazed at how simplified the process of collecting customer testimony can actually be!

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At Beverly Boy Productions, when we ask Interview Questions for a Testimonial Video, the first considerations we make are:

Who is our target audience for the testimonial?

What do we want to achieve with the testimonial?

Who are we going to interview?

Once we’ve determined those 3 important factors that pertain to our interview, we’re going to be able to formulate our interview questions quickly and easily – and we’re not going to ask more than 5 questions during the production of any customer testimonial video interview, no matter the industry, the audience, or the desired outcome.

Why The Purpose of the Testimonial is Important

Before we address the Interview Questions for a Testimonial Video that we actually ask, let’s talk about what makes the purpose of a testimonial video essential to our planning process. The reason we are worried about who our audience is, what we want to achieve, and who we are going to interview is as follows:

Knowing our target audience is going to help us decide what kind of concerns, needs, and driving forces exist behind them that cause them to convert. We need to know this, because we want to draw out similar details from our interview subject so that the testimonial is going to resonate with the target audience.

Knowing the intended goal of the testimonial is important because once we know what we’re trying to achieve, we’ll know what kind of questions to ask that will help our audience move closer to a conversion point so that we can achieve our goal.

Knowing who we will interview is going to give us the added insight into the type of questions we should ask in order to draw out the data we need for success.

As you can see, the purpose of the testimonial is incredibly important for us to fully understand ahead of the interview so that we can formulate our questions around it.

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How to Form Interview Questions for a Testimonial Video

Now let’s take a look at how you can form Interview Questions for a Testimonial Video the same way that we do, utilizing the information that you have in regards to the goal or purpose of the testimonials, and reverse-engineering so that you can ask questions that are going to resonate with your audience.

Starting with the intended goal or purpose, think about how you will be able to get your target audience to achieve that goal. What kind of words or testimony do they need to hear in order for them to convert?  You should be asking yourself, “If you could get the ideal response from your customer interview, what would they say exactly?”

Once you know what response you’re looking for, you can work on asking the questions that will elicit that response. For instance, if you want your testimonial to prove to a niche community of prospective consumers that your product is capable of improving their lives in a specific way, then you’re going to ask:

An introduction question that allows the respondent to provide their name, position, or other background data so that the target audience will resonate with them. Such as:
“Would you please introduce yourself, and tell us why you decided to purchase our product?”

A question that is going to draw out the information that consumers need to buy into the idea that your product is life changing. “Please describe what you love about the product and how it made your life better?”

While there are many ways that you can get your answers, the point is, you really only need 2-3 questions, at most, in order to draw out the details that are most important to achieving your goal.

Let’s take a look at a few more goals, and the Interview Questions for a Testimonial Video that you might ask in order to achieve each goal:

If you have a goal:  Enable the sales team to prove product value during the sales presentation.

Then your questions might be:

Would you please introduce yourself and tell us what product or service you purchased.

How much money or time were you able to save as a result of your purchase?

If you have a goal: Encourage more people to buy-into the idea of your product as a healthy weight loss choice.

Then your questions might be:

Would you please introduce yourself and, briefly tell us about your weight loss journey?

How much weight did you lose using our product and what other health benefits have you experienced?

Using these techniques and working back from your goal, you can create your Interview Questions for a Testimonial Video in just a few short minutes and you can get the details or data you need from asking just a few short questions.

For more on preparing Interview Questions for a Testimonial Video, give Beverly Boy Productions a call!