Working with a Social Media Marketing Company for Video Production

Working with a Social Media Marketing Company for Video Production

Sharing your message across social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest is something that every business can stand to benefit from. However, you might not think of a social media marketing company for video production, but in the end, filmmakers that specialize in the production of social media content are technically social media marketing professionals. This is how you can work together to establish the right type of social media video content for your business or brand.

Why is Video Production Important to Social Media?

Today’s top social media platforms engage millions of viewers each day. If you’re not actively utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram to your advantage as a business owner, you’re missing out on potential leads and opportunities for your business. Video production is important to social media for a number of reasons including:

  • Building awareness. Video content is more likely to capture viewer interests.
  • SEO. Posts that include video are naturally ranked higher and get more visibility than those without video.
  • Conversion Optimization. Video content has the power to increase conversions up to 1200% on social media.
  • Improved messaging. Video content allows you to target your messaging to the client in just the right way and 82% of consumers prefer video over text or static image posts.

With consumers spending an average of 100 minutes watching video on social media each day, it’s very important to get your own video content out onto various social platforms if you want your business to be recognized.

Why Hire a Social Media Marketing Company for Video Production?

Now that you know the importance of social media videos, you’re probably wondering why it’s important to hire a social media marketing company for video production. Can’t you just create the videos yourself? Is it really that important to hire a professional?

The answer is, YES and YES. You could potentially make the video content yourself and things would probably turn out okay. Yet it’s also important to hire a professional for video production that you can incorporate into your social media campaigns. 

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Hiring a professional is key because:

  • Professional filmmakers know what it takes to create engaging content for social media.
  • Professionals understand the value of top quality footage on social.
  • A professional will bring all equipment and necessary tools to make your video a success.
  • A professional knows exactly what to do for each social media platform.
  • A professional is going to drive home the importance of audience engagement.

Ultimately, the decision to hire a professional will depend on your individual needs but it’s important to note that customers are looking for top quality video content that they can engage with on social platforms. If you’re not delivering the best experience, you stand the risk of potentially losing out.

Tips for Successfully Hiring a Professional

Ready to hire a professional social media marketing company for video production? Follow these important tips for success:

  • Be sure to check portfolios. You want to be sure that the company you hire is capable of preforming the way you want.
  • Go beyond the portfolio, ask to see past work live on social media. This is important because it’s going to show how frequently a production company is filming social videos.
  • Seek a level of experience that is adequate for your content needs. If you’re looking for very simplified videos, you might not need a professional movie maker. 
  • Ask about pricing and budget. It’s important to hire a professional that can work within a budget that is appropriate for you. If you only have $10,000 to spend, and the company you’re working with wants $20,000 you’re already on a bad note.
  • Be honest about your timeline. You don’t want to hire a professional that cannot adhere to your project timeline needs, regardless of skill or price.

In the film and video production industry, whether we’re talking about a social media marketing company for video production or any other professional, it’s important to understand that you get what you pay for. Don’t expect top quality work if you’re not willing to pay more than $1,000 per finished minute. The average rate of film production, for social media videos, and any other type of content starts at $1,000 per finished minute and goes up to about $10,000 per minute. You must have a budget in-between if you want quality work.

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Working with a social media marketing company for video production is very important to the overall success of your video project. By hiring a professional, you know that you’re going to get content that your audience is most likely to engage with and appreciate. This is your opportunity to take the steps require to find, and hire, a professional that’s the right choice for your needs.

At Beverly Boy Productions, we know the value of hard work when it comes to producing video content for social media. Our professionals have more than 20 years’ experience in the industry and cannot wait to assist you with your project. Give us a call to hire our social media marketing company for video production that will set your brand apart.