What is Included in an Electronic Press Kit? And Why it Matters

As a musician, band, or anyone else in the entertainment industry, you’ve probably heard of an electronic press kit before but chances are you have only a limited understanding of what goes into it or why. We’ve found over the years that some of the most important elements in your EPK are some of the easiest to overlook. That’s why we’re discussing what is included in an electronic press kit and why each essential item matters so much! 

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At Beverly Boy Productions, we work with entertainment professionals to produce electronic press kits (EPKs) that will not only deliver the important information to the necessary parties, but that will connect with and engage them to build a lasting impression for your brand.

Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more about our EPK production services and what we can do for your business.

What’s Included in an EPK?

Your EPK is essentially a biography of your band or yourself as a musician or entertainer.

It includes detailed information about releases and provides engaging videos that show off your background including things like past tours, upcoming tours, backline requirements, and anything else that those marketing your brand might need to succeed.

Knowing what is included in an Electronic Press Kit and why it matters is important as this downloadable media kit is frequently shared with those interested in learning about, booking, or otherwise connecting with your band.

Press kits are not just for bands, though. They are frequently being produced for things like new production launches, business launches, business mergers, and even for large events, trade shows, and similar programs.

Knowing what is included in an electronic press kit is important to help you achieve early success for your business or brand.

Most EPKs include:

  • Photos that showcase brand identity.
  • A Biography that describes the individual, company, product, or service.
  • Recent press coverage and media publicity.
  • Appropriate contact information.
  • Social media profile links
  • Client or customer testimonials.
  • A portfolio.

What Does It All Mean?

Knowing what is included in an electronic press kit is only half the battle. You’ve also got to have an understanding of why each items is included in the EPK so that you can be sure to produce the proper content for each element of the EPK.  So, what does all of this mean?

Think of your EPK as a marketing tool that essentially shows off your past work and engagements as a selling point for the company, brand, product, or promotion that is taking place. This means that your EPK elements and input should:

  • Deliver a consistent message that is on-point with your brand.
  • Include video biographies, video testimonials, and video representation of any other elements that can be included in such a format.
  • Reflect how your new roles are directly connected to your audience, and why.
  • Outline important features and details about the products, services, or other offerings provided by your business.
  • Incorporate video case studies and other similar downloadable content for your audience.
  • Be frequently updated and kept up to showcase your latest achievements.

Producing an EPK requires first knowing what is included in an Electronics Press Kit and then hiring a professional that understands the importance of consistency, quality, and professional results for your EPK.

Turn to Team Beverly Boy

At Beverly Boy Productions, we specialize in EPK production and will work closely with you and your team to ensure the press you’re pitching has everything they need to make an informed decision about your brand.

Give us a call at 888-462-7808 to learn more about what is included in an Electronic Press Kit and the next steps to producing an EPK that will show journalists and those seeking to understand your business exactly what they need.