Daytona Beach Freelance Videographer 2025

Daytona Beach Freelance Videographer Prices in 2025

About 87% of marketing professionals are using video in their marketing efforts. This statistic is proof to the fact that videography is the new foundation of targeting large groups of people with effective messages. In the business world, video marketing has taken center stage.

As you plan your next project, you should work with a freelance video maker; you will have an easy time working on your project as you aim to get a high-quality video. Our Florida freelance videographers have over a decade of experience in videography. You can count on us if you want to create an effective video that will put your brand on the map. An experienced freelance videographer from team Beverly Boy is ready to work with you today; give us a call and let us discuss your project. Our Daytona Beach freelance videographer prices in 2025 are affordable to both small and large businesses. If you want to film in the city, know that the freelance videographers in 32114 typically charge hourly rates and day rates, while other freelancers charge half day rates. Now, when you browse for “videographer near me”, you will get various price offers. But you should know that the cost of producing a video is dependent on three factors: the type of video you want to create, the duration of the video, and the type of crew and equipment required to work on your project.

Daytona Beach Videography Budget

As you think about your event videography in Daytona or your upcoming internal marketing videography project, remember to plan for your budgeting process. Before you start working on the budget, we recommend that you go through these questions and be mindful of the answers you provide:

1. What do you want your video to do? Do you have a new product that you want to market using a promotional video? Or do you want to have a highlight reel for your next event? The resources you use in filming a product are different to those required in event videography. (The answer you provide to this question will help a professional videographer to prepare the right resources for your project.)
2. What do you want included in your video? Videos like explainer videos or employee training videos use voice over narration to communicate. Since narration involves the use of narrators or actors/ actresses, the price of using any of the two options varies. But ideally, if you chose to go for a large team to work on your voice overs, you will have to invest more.
3. Where do you want your video to be filmed? If you are not sure of the best place to film your project, our camera crew can suggest various film studios or exterior locations. At all times, you need to place the studio prices and cost of getting the permits in your budget.

These three questions will help you to plan better on how you will come up with your Daytona Beach videography budget. In case you need help with your budget, just give us a call. We are here to help you with anything concerning your video project.


Get a video qoute for your project today

    The Rates for Videographers in Daytona Beach

    As we have mentioned, the cost of producing your project will depend on the needs of your video. As you prepare the budget, we would like you to use the list below as a reference. In this list, the rates for videographers in Daytona Beach covers the pre-production, production, and post-production processes.

    Daytona Beach Freelance Videographer Pricing Sheet:

    Video Editor: $62/hour to $177/hour
    Script Writer/Marketer: $62/hour to $152/hour
    Equipment: $22/hour to $102’s/hour
    Cameramen: $102/hour to $402/hour
    Video Rendering: $32/hour to $77/hour
    B-Roll: 10% to 50% addition to shooting costs
    Narrators/Voiceovers: $102 to $402
    Video Director: $22/hour to $252/hour
    Audio Files: $32 to $1,002
    ‘Miscellaneous Fees’: $102 to $1002’s


    Hiring a Professional Daytona Beach Videographer

    If you need a photographer to record interesting shots of your product, or if you need a camera crew to set up equipment for a live stream, hiring a professional Daytona Beach videographer from Beverly Boy Productions is the best decision for your business. We are ready to provide you with an experienced freelancer in Volusia County who is going to exceed your expectations. Plus, Daytona Beach, Florida has some competitive Daytona Beach freelance videographer prices in 2025. The weather in Daytona consists of hot, oppressive, long, and mostly cloudy summers, with windy, short, cool, and partly cloudy winters. All year round, the typical weather varies between 50°F and 89°F. Daytona Beach has some of the most incredible attractions in America. One of the prime spots is Daytona Beach. It is a 23-mile stretch of sand which is considered as one of the best beaches in Florida. If you want a great place to use as a backdrop, especially for night shots, it’s the Daytona Boardwalk & Pier. This place is the soul of Daytona Beach.

    At Beverly Boy Productions in Daytona Beach, we are committed to providing the best videography services in Florida and the surrounding cities. We work with our clients, from the start of their project to the end when we deliver the final video. If you are ready to begin filming your next project, contact team Beverly Boy Productions today. If you need Daytona Beach Freelance Videographer Prices in 2025, feel free to reach out to us, we would like to discuss them with you.