
Quick Tips on How to Run a Virtual Event

Wondering how to run a virtual event? Live video streaming has changed the way we do business and interact with people (so has COVID-19!). Today’s business executives are just as likely and possibly even more likely to attend a virtual event as they would be to attend an in-person, standalone event. Virtual event planning is a popular alternative to in-person events that comes without geographic constraints or social distancing limitations. Virtual event streaming is something that any company interested in hosting live events should consider. Here’s what you need to know as you learn how to run a virtual event.


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1. Your Audience

You MUST know your audience and understand them. Who is your event for? Why is it for them? What will they gain from the event? Why should they attend?

Understanding your audience and knowing their key demographic features as well as their underlying desires and interests will help you to create a virtual event that is engaging and exciting for those who attend. Think about how you will deliver key offers and incentives, what your audience is most interested in, and what you can do to engage them — if you don’t have these answers, you need to get them BEFORE you even think about taking the next steps in hosting a virtual event.

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2. The Event Format & Platform

Next, you’ll need to have a plan in place as to the format of the event and what your plan is for hosting the event. Virtual events have formats just like live events. You might host a seminar, a tradeshow, a workshop, or a convention — each has a unique experience.

As you visualize your virtual event and seek additional details on how to run a virtual event, consider also the platform that you will use to deliver the event to your audience. Many Livestream video platforms exist for you to consider including Facebook Live, Youtube Live, and LinkedIn Live.  The platform that you choose will partially depend on where your audience spends their time.

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3. Determine Who Will Host Your Event

You’re looking to learn how to run a virtual event, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to be the host too. You’ll likely want to hire an emcee (MC) to host the virtual event. This way, you have someone that knows how to engage and entertain your audience as well as how to run events like this for maximum effectiveness.

Your host should be:

  • Able to speak clearly and engage the audience.
  • Able to introduce your keynote speakers eloquently.
  • Able to respond to questions & engage your community on social media.
  • Comfortable looking into the camera and talking without a script.
  • Exciting and interesting to listen to.

Consider having two hosts so that they can work with each other and deliver an engaging event for the audience. Sometimes having two hosts allows for the benefit of stronger engagement as they can bounce jokes and entertainment off one another.

Live Streaming Business Meetings & Events

4. Set a Date & Promote

Once you’ve determined all of the key details necessary to learn how to run a virtual event you can set a date. Choose a date that is not likely to be overly busy for your audience. Also, consider the timing — you want people to be able to attend. Just because the event is virtual does not mean that people can automatically attend at any time, day or night. Consider this as you mark your virtual event on the calendars.

Promoting your virtual event requires some various steps. Consider creating the following marketing mediums for your virtual event:

  • An introduction video that can be shared on social media.
  • An event teaser video that you can share with prospective audience members.
  • An event website or landing page to capture registrations.
  • An email campaign, that includes a video, to remind people of your virtual event.

plan a date

Need help learning how to run a virtual event? Give Beverly Boy Productions a call today and we’ll immediately help you with the next steps.


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