Video Production for Lamp & Lighting Stores

Lamp & lighting sales are largely attributed to a growing economy, increased home or commercial property sales, and a general rise in homeowner incomes. These specialty stores sell various styles of lighting fixtures or standalone lamps and shades that a typical homeowner, architect, interior designer or builder might purchase for the new construction, refurbishing, or remodeling of a property. Video Production for Lamp & Lighting Stores can provide a visual boost that encourages audiences to call, visit, or otherwise purchase from the store resulting in increased revenue & sales.

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While the expectation would be for these niche-focused specialty stores to be performing better than ever with housing sales skyrocketing and the number of new home builds following suit, an unfortunate side effect of the internet has been increased competition for this massive $4 billion dollar market. As such, many stores have seen a reduction in sales, but for those that choose to pivot and incorporate video into their marketing mix, a potential rise of up to 49% faster revenue growth can be achieved.

Promotional Videos for Lamp & Lighting Stores

Promotional Video Production for Lamp & Lighting Stores is centered around the generation of clients & sales. Lighting is such a visual industry that specialty lighting or lamp stores that turn to short, engaging promotional videos to share their message can achieve profound benefits.

Promotional videos that are produced for a lamp & lighting store can:

  • Increase audience interest in new models or lighting choices.
  • Drive audience hype around an upcoming product launch or sale.
  • Create a FOMO for an upcoming lighting sales event.

The emphasis on utilizing promo videos to share your lamp and lighting store with a dedicated target market or audience can boost your leads, increase your revenue, and ultimately contributed to higher sales.

Marketing Videos for Lamp & Lighting Stores

Marketing Video Production for Lamp & Lighting Stores is essential. Not only does video create the visual contrast you need to showcase your products & services, it communicates your message in a way that consumers are more likely to value. With marketing videos you can showcase how lighting might look, you can present scenarios that will help the audience understand the “mood” that can be created with a specific lamp or lighting product, and will increase consumer confidence in your store.

Many types of marketing videos can be created for your lamp or lighting store such as:

  • Branded video content that shares the message of your business in a visual way.
  • Explainer videos that will help your audience understand your products & the services you provide.
  • Educational videos and how-to style content that helps your audience understand a variety of concepts such as “how to choose lighting for a kitchen” or “how to install lighting under the cabinets.”
  • Animated videos that present challenging concepts in easy to understand animations.
  • Case study videos that share customer scenarios and the challenges that your lamp & lighting store was able to overcome.

Around the world, 40% of shoppers admit that they have purchased a product after they see it on YouTube. Many other statistics that present the value of sharing your products in video can be found.  With the average consumer spending 100 minutes per day engaging in digital video content, it’s safe to say that the best way for you to compete for sales is with video!

Training Videos for Lamp & Lighting Stores

As a specialty store owner, you likely experience employee setbacks and turnover rates that are close to, or in line with, retail stores. Even if your turnover isn’t that high, with each new employee you hire, training is an important step that often takes up a lot of time from your management or key leaders. Expert training Video Production for Lamp & Lighting Stores provides a solution to the time challenge you face when you hire new employees and need to provide training.


Training videos are:

  • Easy to follow and always available.
  • Consistent across departments or store locations.
  • Engaging and easier to understand.
  • Time saving for management or team members that would otherwise be responsible for providing employee training.
  • Cost reducing for management & store owners.

The use of training videos to teach your employees will not only save you time, but over time, each training video that you produce will also save you money. Some, larger businesses, have saved millions just by implementing training videos into their onboarding routines.

Interview Videos for Lamp & Lighting Stores

Consumers want to trust that the specialty shops that they turn to for products such as lighting are providing expert guidance & advice as well as expert products & services. Interview Video Production for Lamp & Lighting Stores presents one of several ways for store owners to present their experience & expertise to the target audience in order to improve trust & confidence in the brand.

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These videos can increase authority by showcasing everything from management knowledge to industry-professional experience that is essential to operating a specialty brand.