title types of video content for purchase cycle stages

Types of Video Content for Each Stage of the Purchase Cycle

Ask any marketer about the buyer’s journey and they will tell you that connecting with the buyer at just the right phase and in just the right way is essential to successful sales. We’re showing you the types of video content for each stage of the purchase cycle to get you heading in the right direction and connecting with buyers at each phase along the way.

Beverly Boy post production

Awareness Stage

educational video on computer

The first major stage in the buyer’s journey is awareness. This is the stage when your buyer is identifying a problem that he or she has and researching a solution.

At the awareness stage, you need to deliver content that shows your potential buyer who you are and how you solve the problem that they have. Educational videos, and commercial ads are a great way to make a first impression in the awareness stage.

Commercial Ads

Commercials can be used to show the prospect that your company has similar values and a spirit that they can connect with. Engaging your prospects at the beginning stage of the buying cycle can lead to stronger brand awareness when they begin seeking a solution to their problem.

Likewise, educational content can be used to show that you have what it takes to offer an expert solution. Teach the prospect with your educational videos and show them who you are. Educational videos are easy to share and help to build awareness around your brand.

Consideration Stage

customer testimonial video production

During the consideration stage your buyer is looking for brands that can solve their problem and considering the benefits of each. They know that your brand is one of several that can offer a solution, and now they are trying to learn as much as they can about your solution to decide whether it’s the right decision for them.

Explainer videos are great at this stage of the purchase cycle. Explainer videos can be used to simplify complex topics or to show how a product or service that you provide works to solve a common problem.

These types of videos can be included on your website and in social media to help prospects get a better understanding of the solutions you provide.

Consider Cartoons

Animations can also be used to explain your products or services and evoke awareness in the consideration stage. Consider the use of cartoon marketing or humor to help you explain your ideas and solutions to the audience.

As the prospects consider your product or service, now is a great time to deliver product videos that highlight how useful your products can be. Showing your products in action offers a classic way of helping prospects identify with your brand and connect.

Similarly, how to videos offer prospects the chance to gain understanding in your brand and connect on a wider level.

Decision Stage

decision stage individual

In the decision stage the prospect is ready to make a purchase. Now is the time to give the final push towards making your brand their decision in the purchase cycle. How can you encourage them to take the final leap and choose your product?

Now is the time to share videos about your brand and to evoke trust. Customer testimonials are useful at this time as are case studies. Both can increase the level of confidence your prospect will have in your brand. As you build brand confidence, you also increase the likelihood of the prospect choosing your brand over the competition.

Brand Loyalty Stage

Once the customer has purchased from you, the goal is no longer to make them buy but to make them satisfied with their purchase. The video content that you deliver during the brand loyalty stage should reflect your value in the customer and should improve the customer experience.

Thank you videos can be sent via email to show your customer appreciation. Upsell videos are also useful at this stage as they can be used to show the value in complimentary products or services that may relate to the initial purchase.

Customer Onboarding

This is also a good time to provide customer onboarding videos or advanced how-to videos that show new customers how to get started with your product or service. The steps you take with video content marketing at this stage are all about keeping your customer happy and loyal to your brand.

As you work to incorporate video marketing into each stage of the purchase cycle, consider how your prospective customer can benefit from the messages you deliver. Ultimately, the goal is to use video content wisely in a way that will result in optimal sales for your brand. 

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