
Benefits of Utilizing Case Study Videos in Behavioral Medicine Training


How frequently will a behavioral medicine technician face challenges that are unique to their practice on a regular basis? How often is the average mental health practitioner likely to face context that is unlike anything they’ve ever seen or heard about before? If you said, “probably on a regular basis,” you would be correct! Which is why the use of Case Study Videos in Behavioral Medicine training and teaching can have such important benefits. Training your team with video case studies will not only help your staff out, but will also be powerful for your patients or clients, too.

Case studies certainly have their place in medical training and have been used as an educational tool for decades. Now that Case Study Videos in Behavioral Medicine are popular, the benefits that can be gained from teams and the students and staff that utilize them to their advantage simply cannot be overlooked.

At Beverly Boy Productions we regularly produce case study videos in behavioral medicine. The following highlights are representative of just a few of the many potential benefits that your team could experience as a direct response to your use of case study videos for behavioral medicine training.

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Case Study Videos Improve Student Understanding of Real-World Treatment Scenarios

The use of Case Study Videos in Behavioral Medicine can improve student understanding of real-world treatment scenarios that are bound to take place during their course of care for clients or patient. In fact, because case study videos are a direct response to past scenarios that have taken place and the treatment or therapeutic care that was provided in response to various behavioral health challenges, it’s safe to say that case study videos have the capacity to improve the outlook that students have on the life situations and scenarios that they are faced with when each new patient enters their care.

Unlike instructor lead discussions or textbook training which don’t have the capacity to provide case specific examples that are up-to-date with current scenarios or trends, the case studies that are incorporated into training programs which utilize them in behavioral medicine introduce real world scenarios that students need to understand in order for them to engage in appropriate treatment protocol.

Case Study Videos Improve Student Engagement in Training

If you’re struggling to get your students to engage, meet them where they’re at – with video! Video case studies on behavioral health have the capacity to increase student engagement and improve learning outcomes. Students will be more likely to participate in video case studies that provide training and since we retain upwards of 95% of what we see in a video compared to just 10-20% of what we read, you can rest assured that your students are going to walk away with significantly more understanding and detail memorized than they generally would if there were to read the case study.

Video Case Studies are Sharable

Not only are videos shareable, but for students that are training in health and behavioral medicine, these types of content are shareworthy. Students like to engage one another and show how they learn and layer on additional data. The use of Case Study Videos in Behavioral Medicine training represents one of many opportunities for students to engage together and share what they learn with their peers, with other staff, or with patients that will help them to become better providers of clinical care later on.

Case Study Videos in Behavioral Medicine Promote Critical Thought Processes

Are your students seeming engaged with your training, but when you ask them questions they’re coming back with a thought process that is subpar or less than what you would have expected? If you’re struggling to get your students to think critically about what you’re training or teaching on, case study videos could be the answer you’re looking for. Video case studies, when shared as part of an overall training program in which students are introduced to additional knowledge application and supportive training details, can have the positive benefit of improving the critical thinking of your students.

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Case Study Videos Improve Therapeutic Outcomes

The use of video case studies in behavioral medicine training has been proven to show positive impacts on the therapeutic outcomes that students deliver. In fact, video case studies can positively impact clinical outcomes for patients in the mental health fields and in behavioral medicine. In recent data that was reviewed from more than 4K physicians, those who engaged in case-based learning activities through the use of Case Study Videos in Behavioral Medicine were more likely to introduce treatment and therapeutic options which improved patient outcomes over the long-term more than those who did not train in this manner.

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