Types of Small Business Promo Video Content

Sometimes, finding balance as a small business owner is tough — real tough. Figuring out how you can perfectly balance the various types of small business promo video content against all other forms of non-promotional videos and written content can be tough. Over-promote, and you’ll have consumers feeling like you’re nagging them. Under-promote, and you’re missing out on TONS of opportunity. Finding just the right balance in between is key to running your online marketing campaigns and achieving success with your small business promo video content. Here are the best small business promo video content styles to consider.

active engagement

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#1. Promotional Product Videos (Or Service Videos if You’re in Service Industry)

Promotional product videos represent a form of small business promo video content that highlights a specific product that your brand offers. You could even produce promotional product videos that highlight multiple products from a line or several existing products from your store.

If you’re a small business owner that represents the service industry, consider promotional video content that focuses on delivering engaging details relative to your service profile.

Help potential clients to see the quality of the services you offer and the benefits that can come from deciding to shop with you.

Filming a promo video at Miami Dade Comunity college

#2. Personal Promotional Videos

Small business promo video content that actually promotes YOU as a person represents a great way to introduce yourself to your audience and represent your brand. Consider sharing this type of video on Facebook or LinkedIn as well as your website.

Discuss things that are relative to YOU and your interaction with your business as a small business owner. Many people wish they could start a business, so having this type of video content available helps others to see the personalities that make it happen.

Personal promotions are great if you’re just getting started with video content for your brand. Just keep it short, sweet, and to the point. (and remember, it call all be erased

Dual Mics Set Up for this Commercial Shoot

#3. Authoritative How-to Promotional Videos

Is your product or service the absolute best at solving a particular problem?

Whether it’s a nurse taking vitals at your healthcare clinic (service industry) or a plumber unclogging a drain at a residential home (service industry), showing your audience that you’re a professional on your subject knowledge is a great way to boost interaction and sales.

Show people you know how-to overcome obstacles related to the industry and that you’re the best small business for the task.

employee training video

 #4. Small Business Introductory Promo Videos

An introductory video for your small business is an excellent type of small business promo video content that helps people to feel more accepting of your brand. Small business owners, especially those who operate mostly online, can struggle to prove their presence and authenticity to the world.

Introducing your small business with an introductory promo video can reduce the fear or anxiety that a potential buyer may have about purchasing from your online store.

Failure to include these types of small business promo video content to your library can result in consumers still remaining unsure or worried about your brand — and that could drastically jeopardize your sales! Ready to create any of these types of small business promo video content?

Give Beverly Boy Productions a call at 888-462-7808 today to get started.