
Sony FX9

Comparing Sony FX9 vs F55 Cinema Cameras

Comparing Sony FX9 vs F55 Cinema Cameras

Comparing Sony FX9 vs F55 Cinema Cameras  In comparing Sony’s line of professional camcorders a number of contenders are likely to attract your eye. There’s of course the Sony FX9, the FS7, the F55 and the F65 as well as plenty of other models across the line. Certainly, in comparing […]


Comparing the Sony FX6 vs FX9 Two Popular Models, But Which is Better

Comparing the Sony FX6 vs FX9 Two Popular Models, But Which is Better?

Comparing the Sony FX6 vs FX9 Two Popular Models, But Which is Better? The Sony FX9 was launched early in 2020 (or late 2019), quickly becoming widely popular in the industry. It’s known for being a workhorse that can deliver professional results in a variety of different use cases and […]


Comparing the Sony FX9 vs FS7- How Does Sony’s Latest Workhorse Stack Up

Comparing the Sony FX9 vs FS7- How Does Sony’s Latest Workhorse Stack Up

Comparing the Sony FX9 vs FS7: How Does Sony’s Latest Workhorse Stack Up? At Beverly Boy Productions our crews use a variety of different brands and types of equipment on a regular basis, particularly when shooting on location. When we got wind of Sony introducing a new workhorse with our […]


What are the Best Lenses for the Sony FX9 Digital Video Camera

What are the Best Lenses for the Sony FX9 Digital Video Camera

What are the Best Lenses for the Sony FX9 Digital Video Camera? If you’re a cinematographer that’s producing corporate films, documentaries, or various other forms of professional video content then you’re probably familiar with the Sony FX9. An industry powerhouse that’s bound to be included in the everyday use for […]


Comparing the Sony FX9 vs Venice Pro Camera Review

Comparing the Sony FX9 vs Venice Pro Camera Review

Comparing the Sony FX9 vs Venice Pro Camera Review When the Sony PXW FX9 was released a couple of years ago you couldn’t help but to want it. Featuring the latest technology, and tons of bells and whistles that you would expect from a workhorse professional digital camera, the Sony […]


Comparing the FX9 Sony vs. Red Digital KOMODO

Comparing the FX9 Sony vs. Red Digital KOMODO

Comparing the FX9 Sony vs. Red Digital KOMODO Launched rather close to one another, the Sony FX9 and Red Digital KOMODO will both pack a powerful punch when it comes to professional filmmaking, but just how good is the FX9 Sony vs. Red Digital KOMODO? We’re comparing unique features, specifications, […]